Friday, November 20, 2020

Cockamamie Pile of Malarkey!

 Back to the Trump bashing I guess.

Watch that video all the way to the end. See if it doesn't put you in mind of a certain electile dysfunctional orange hued loser. Eh? Socrates pointed out the biggest flaw in democracy way back when it began in ancient Greece. It took the world a couple millennia and a half to "elect" the apotheosis of Socrates' democratic nightmare. I'm sure you can recall the following illustration of it:

The above video has to be my favourite in a LONG time! It's just dripping with delicious irony! Right from the start when it includes a pic of Xi Jinping in front of the Parthenon when the narrator says, "So many leaders of democracies like to be photographed there." The Adeimantus argument that allowing the uneducated anywhere near a vote is irresponsible, well can we think of any better timing for that argument? And I don't need to mention, but I will, the "trumped up charges" and uneducated jurists that tragically brought about the execution by poison of the greatest thinker of his time! Democracy by birthright, not intellect, leads to demagoguery. Again, you'd be hard-pressed to come up with a better example than the douche nozzle in chief. The example of Alcibiades, apart from his military talents, is once again apropos exploiting the desire of the people for easy answers. But the best, and most delicious, part of the video is the sweet shop owner running against the doctor in the election saying how the doctors (and by extension nurses) hurt you, give you bitter potions and tell you not to eat whatever you want. I will serve you feasts of sweet and delicious things you want to eat! The doctors' argument that the bitter pill was offered to HELP the ignorant masses, Socrates rightly conjectured, would have about as much success as the above pictured nurse's argument that, "While I agree with your assertion that we are in the land of the free, we are also the home of the brave. It's not brave to go maskless, it's irresponsible, and, yes, stupid." The, "you're stupid" argument, though precise and accurate, has grown less effective over time and may actually serve to strengthen the unfounded resolve of the ignorant. 

Here's a good series of 4 (maybe more to come) videos called, "WTF is wrong with Trump supporters?" Even if I type exactly that into Google, or YouTube, these vids don't come up. I had to include oo7 warrior, the poster, before I could hunt them down. Watch all four. You'll STILL get only a tiny cross-section of the millions of Trump supporters, but Socrates accurately measured the pulse of the ignorant masses in Greece long before the internet and mass media. I think we can all do the same today. This is fucking scary!

Two things I've said before: 1. Smart phones and social media are making people stupider and less socially skilled. 2. The stupid are becoming more sensitive about their stupidity and the "Not Me" generation has taught them that they never have to be accountable for it, rather, they can double down, dig in their heels and spin lies and mythology to justify it in their weakened minds. And while doing so, they become more and more defensive and ANGRY. And as this happens, they become ever more attached to their leader and skilled at blocking any logic that would discourage this angry loyalty.

There are over 73 million Americans that voted for Trump. How many of them are like the group in Texas saying that all Trump needs to do is give the word and they'll take up arms? What's going to happen SOON when the unemployment benefits run out? The second relief/stimulus package has been continually blocked and the first one was largely stolen by corporations. Trumpists are upset that their hero lost the election and further upset by the "restrictions to their freedom" the Coronavirus has led to. They continue to ignore the obvious parallels to the 1918 Spanish Flu that was only successfully defeated by overcoming the identical ignorance. Forcibly! Trump mocks mask wearing and the results are obvious, deadly and worsening.

Trump's DOJ sent a request to congress in October to suspend the rules of habeas corpus, which could only expedite a transition into an overt police state. He recently asked about his options on an Iran attack. This supposed great deal maker just can't seem to DEAL with the fact that the election loss is one problem in his life he won't be able to sue his way out of. This is good in a way because what will he set his sights on when he finally gives that shit up? Chilling to think!

I hope the U.S. can some how convince Trumpomania that they need to educate themselves and that their dear leader is frightened of nothing more. That is the very reason for his oft used, "fake news" defense. For a group of people so sensitive about people thinking they're stupid, it only supports that argument that they haven't yet realized their leader is the person who thinks they are the stupidest. He says, "fake news" because he doesn't want you reading the news intelligently. He doesn't want you to and doesn't trust you to. He thinks you're too stupid. And stupid enough to fall for the gambit. Either way, to an intelligent person, NO news is fake news. You can read anything with the knowledge of prevailing biases and get information, ACCURATE information, out of it. Trump doesn't want his supporters to know that and/or doesn't think they're capable of doing that. Hence: "fake news." 

But, like many phenomenally spurious defenses the average Trumpy mentality consists of, the "fake news" ploy goes unchallenged. It makes one wonder if the whole works of them really ARE stupid. 73 million plus? Can't be! No way! Really? You think? I just can't believe that. 

In fact, I can't believe there REALLY were that many votes for Trump. He strikes me now as a guy who is not complaining about an election loss, but a guy who tried to cheat on the election and STILL lost! Why, oh WHY would we not be absolutely SURE of that? What in his life has he NOT cheated at? I think all the cheating methods he is outlining and suing to search for, are things that HE employed himself. And STILL LOST! We're already starting to find evidence, in fact the ONLY evidence found so far of voter fraud, of that. When he called two people in Michigan who had previously certified the results, and they immediately seek to UNcertify their votes, that's not only pretty fucking obvious, it's a violation of the Hatch Act. Trump should get his "election attorneys" to look THAT up. By the way, were election lawyers a thing before this con man, this sweet shop owner bumblefucked his way into the White House? 

Anyway, like Rudy, the head "election lawyer" on his staff, I was bursting with all this shit and just had to let it leak out. Rudy wants 20 grand a day? Get the money up front you dipshit! If not, you'll just be sued later. Hey, maybe the Don will get you to sue yourself! 

What a cockamamie, steaming pile of malarkey!  Leastaways, that's what I reckon.

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