Here are some examples of things I'm seeing posted by Canadian friends:

I shudder to have this puss spewing ass boil sully the clean confines of my blog, but here's the right dishonourable former PM Harper lying about it:
This is from an interview about a book he wrote. We're supposed to trust this forked-tongue paleface now because he wrote a book? I'm not gonna get into the laughable comment about how his government "protected" (as he says) the environment, hoping Canadians have forgotten about his environmental protection act axing bill C-38 that was actually nicknamed the "Environmental Destruction Act." I will concentrate on the main lie, and a catch phrase conservatives are trying really hard to make happen: "tax grab."
As always when this corporate whore opens his mouth I am infuriated on multiples levels. He's astoundingly adept at constructing compound lies! 9 years of fucking up my country probably honed that skill. So let's peel this onion of a lie one layer at a time.
First of all notice how smoothly he avoids the major distinction of who is going to be taxed for carbon output. When he says, "tax grab," overtaxed Canadians instinctively become defensive and think this will be more of THEIR taxes the government grabs. This is the intention of the phrase. But who will be paying the carbon tax has been a piece of information that has been terribly well covered up in Canadian politics. Some Canadians are talking like the government is going to personally tax them. Well this is not the case. If you read this article, you will see that the expense regular Joe Canuck fears from the carbon tax is price hikes in things like home heating and gassing up their vehicles. These are essential things to almost all Canadians and they are understandably angry that they will become more expensive.
But it will be large polluters, namely large corporations who will be taxed, i.e. charged for polluting. I especially draw your attention to this part: A $20/ton carbon tax translates into a 16.6 cent per gallon surcharge on gasoline. So, in 2022, the $50/ton carbon tax will increase Canadian gasoline prices by about 42 cents per gallon (11 cents per liter). For comparison, the average price of gasoline in Canada is $1.43 per liter, so that would be about an 8% gasoline price increase in 2022.
The price of coal would more than double, with a carbon tax surcharge of about $100 per ton in 2022. Natural gas prices will rise by about 10 cents per cubic meter in 2022 compared to current prices of around 13 cents per cubic meter – about a 75% increase. This will increase demand for cheaper carbon-free electricity.
No matter what political party in Canada, NONE of them will properly express what is actually happening here. If you look at the above cartoon on the left, "libtards" are seen as stupid for supporting the carbon tax while the intellectually superior conservatards KNOW that the carbon tax raises the price of gas. Prices don't just magically rise! Taxes don't just "translate into" price hikes. The corporations just automatically raise prices. This is the corporate welfare tax of Canada. It's our largest and it is what has transformed Canada from an imminently liveable country to one that is tax weary to the point of exhaustion. This is something the very same people who love this cartoon AND the ones who hate it, unanimously complain about all the while completely oblivious to the source of their suffering. And conservatives and liberals will fight about things like this even though they are nothing much more than distractions from the major hidden issues that should concern them both.
The major issue that seems to be either ignored or accepted is the endlessly tax-free existences our major corporations enjoy. New tax - price hike. Higher minimum wage - price hike. Higher cost of raw materials - price hike. Tariff - price hike. Every expense they encounter is passed on to the consumer/taxpayer without thought. And without thought, the dutiful Canadian taxpayer pays those expenses. Is it because we have grown to accept the sand-in-the-eyes business bogus that "well it is the fiduciary responsibility of the corporations to the shareholders blah blah fucking blah..."? Or is it the equally bogus but pithy little axioms spouted by the brainwashed like "If you don't vote/pay your taxes, you have no right to complain about government." I think it's partially those things but more so the fact that no political party in our lifetime has done anything about it. The infuriating idea that if corporations didn't automatically raise prices to offset expenses, they would make more money and Canadians would have more money just makes this lie that much more despicable.
And no matter what party you support, not only have they consistently downplayed the free rides for corporations they support, they have systematically defunded and destroyed all government agencies that could force these filthy rich companies to PAY their taxes and freeze their prices to stop them transferring their expenses to the poor taxpayers. Why have they done this? What else? Money! Campaign contributions and corporate lobbying to government officials is only the tip of the iceberg.
This carbon tax is a great example! While Canadians are working hard to recycle, use less fuel and lower their carbon footprint at the encouragement of our government, it's almost futile. Trudeau's Paris Agreement goals won't be met. Carbon tax or no. No matter what the citizens of Canada do. Why not? Because industry will obliterate the goal. WITH THE FULL SUPPORT OF THE GOVERNMENT. So in one way, that corporate dick duster Canadian Trump is right: the carbon tax won't help. But again he doesn't point out that the reason for that is industry. He also doesn't point out that one industry all by itself will pollute Canada well beyond our Paris Agreement goals, and... ahem... oh geez guess what, it's HIS fault!
Expansion of the Alberta oil sands all by itself will put us past the Paris Promise. That's right, Trudeau's pursuit of a pipeline through the most beautiful country of Canada and maybe the world, not his idea. The deal with the Chinese for the bitumen piped through that pipeline, not his baby. These were all things that happened during Harper's term as PM. Read this if you want support.
And when this 2014 deal was struck between Harper and China, and it locked us in for something like 39 years giving China a Foreign Investor Protection Agreement that allowed them to sue Canadian taxpayers if the oil didn't flow, at that time Harper was quoted as saying, "I know this is a very, very unpopular deal, but we're going to do it anyway." Or something to that effect.
Now I ask you, how much do you think Harper has in an untraceable Cayman Islands account (probably in RMB) for brokering THIS ass rape of a deal? He's a god in China! Even has food named after him. And evidently he has the leisure time to write a book. Hmmm...
A carbon tax is something that is designed to make polluters pay for polluting. Ideally they pollute less. The proceeds of the tax, if handled by an uncorrupted government, will go directly to regular people as a rebate and will partially fund other things the majority of people want. The refunds will cover the price hikes for most and maybe pollution will go down. What is evil about this? Why do so many Canadians hate this? Because their blame is misguided. The oil companies and coal companies and natural gas companies are lighting Canadians on fire and some of us are blaming the government for not regulating their use of matches.
Smarten up Canada! You're too educated a country to be acting foolish like this. This is not Trudeau's fault. Although he's not blameless, Harper is FAR more to blame. And even Harper is not the main culprit! It's the true powers that be in Canada. Corporations raping our country for personal gain and distracting you by creating discord over secondary issues.
If we don't check this runaway corporate inflation of prices, the government will just start printing more money (they already have) and we'll end up like Venezuela. Today a banana costs as much as a house did there 10 years ago. Merchants don't count money any more, they weigh it. The government there MIGHT be more corrupt than in Canada, but 10 years. That's all it takes.
Finally, in response to the meme above on the right about putting the carbon tax up Trudeau's ass, I would submit to you that it is not the carbon tax but the puppet hands of corporate Canada up the PM pooper and this is no different from any Canadian PM since I've been alive.
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