Here's a good example: In the wake of the recent mass shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada, the Trudeau government (capital L Liberal) has offered more than the requisite thoughts and prayers. They've banned assault weapons. And immediately, out come the tears and the violins and along with them nowadays, the insanely brainless memes. And, as I've wondered at before in these pages or posts, not necessarily put on social media like Facebook by insanely brainless people. Some SMART people are sharing them.
Things like this:
Now, I might be able to understand posting this without doing a thorough check on the AR 15 if the last word weren't there. But when you're questioning the intelligence of the PM by ironically calling him a genius, you'd better have your facts straight or you're gonna look like an idiot.
Here are the details on the AR 15. All I did was Google, "Has the AR 15 been illegal in Canada since 1977?" This article, in which it clarifies that in 1977 the AR 15 was restricted, not made illegal, makes that "genius" remark backfire on the posting party - to use firearm terminology. In trying to take a pot shot at the PM, their weapon blew up in their faces. I'm not a big fan of this PM, but he's taking a lot of flack, to use another - I'm just gonna use them all up here and now: he's under heavy fire, facing the firing squad, in the firing line, drawing enemy fire, under siege, in the piss, facing trial by fire, under a hail of enemy fire, taking a barrage of enemy fire, getting strafed by enemy fire, getting sniped at, being pelted, flamed, blasted, blazed, peppered, plugged, and picked off. And he doesn't deserve it. I believe that this was the right thing to do, and I believe that the majority of Canadians believe it was too. But try to say that to people who post stuff like this:
Posted by a good friend of mine who is exceptionally intelligent in my opinion. And he's not one to go defriending people who differ. So to this I commented, "Yeah, I miss my old Death Race 2000 car.
For the youngsters, that was a movie starring David Carradine from "Kung Fu," which is a TV show you're also unfamiliar with. In the movie, people compete in a race in which the winner is the driver, or team, that commits the most vehicular homicide.
I continued my comment on the post thusly: "I also miss my butterfly knife and my switchblade. I mean, where the hell have my rights gone? Why, do you know it's actually illegal for a guy to own a flamethrower nowadays?"
The humour may go unappreciated, but I had a good time.
Then there's this one:
and this one:

Turns out, gasp, this meme is also bullshit. In fact, the Ruger Mini 14 was USED in an infamous mass shooting in Quebec back in '89, and it IS on the list of assault weapons to be banned.
Finally, and maybe the best of all, there's THIS beauty:
Do I even need to? Probably not, but I will. Umm... we don't have the same rights and freedoms as our armed forces, though that seems to be the assertion here. I wouldn't mind getting behind the wheel of a tank. (I'm sure it's not even a wheel, but I don't know that and I like it that way.) It would sure be cool to get stuck in traffic and be able to just crush cars in my way and get to where I'm going. Yeah, that would be acers! But I hasten to point out that that would be homicide, another thing we can't get away with that our armed forces can. In fact, that is, as horrific as it sounds, one of the purposes of the assault weapons they carry. I feel like this point is not getting through to a lot of people. When you cry out against a government that bans assault weapons, weapons that are perfect for killing people, it doesn't sound that much like you are bemoaning any loss of legitimate rights and freedoms, it sounds like you might just want to kill some dudes.
So don't be mislead, people of Canada. Educate yourselves! We're lovers, not fighters. But we DO have a military, police forces, (and hockey players) who do a pretty good job of fighting for us. As I repeated way back in elementary school, if you want to fight, join the army. And from what I hear from my hunter friends, (I prefer fishing. Never tried hunting.) if you want to hunt like a REAL man, grab a bow, not an AR 15.
Post script: I just noticed that the meme I downloaded was not quite the one I got for the last one. The one I tried to download pointed out that the military weapons and the civilian ones are the same. Like the previous memes, they just look different.
PPS: For those who want to make an argument about protecting home and family, I think if we want to call ourselves a civilized society, we need to satisfy ourselves with putting one or two holes in an intruder rather than 120. This is real life not video games. But that's just like my opinion man.
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