Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Survivor 40

The latest Survivor snuck up on me! But I watched the first episode amongst some fellow fans and it just might have been the best opening episode EVER! But during the show I found myself not recognizing contestants. All of these people have won. Does THAT make them memorable to me? Nope. They all have had some hugely memorable contestants during their seasons that they've beat out. Does that make them memorable to me? Nope. I think I just keep these people in my mind during their season and abandon them for good once the season is over. So for my help as much as anyone else's, I'm going to sum up a few things they did. I have blogged about Survivor before and may contradict some of the stuff I said in those posts because I just can't fully remember all the little personal things from all the seasons. Like Penner talking to Facts of Life Lisa and posing as a genius telling her that she's been trying to please other people her whole life. He was a dead man walking, he knew it, and he resorted to cereal box psychology to try to gain her allegiance. It worked too!

That's the detail there will be little of in this post. I'm just gonna cover what I remember of these people in the broadest of strokes. This will, no doubt, enhance my viewing pleasure. It might even do the same for you. Here we go...

Ethan Zohn - Won S-3 (Africa), In S-8 (All Stars). He's a social entrepreneur/keynote speaker so Survivor became his job. Probably the most has happened to him since we've seen him last. In '09 he was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. He got some stem cell and chemo treatment, SHAVED off his curly hair and whooped it. But after 20 months cancer free it returned. He has since had more localized chemo and appears to have beaten it again. Girlfriend is Jenna Murasca, a fellow Survivor winner. They appeared together on The Amazing Race. This guy is a former professional soccer player and with or without cancer, defiantly runs the NYC marathon. I remember he had an early alliance with Lex and Big Tom. I liked both of them better than Ethan I seem to remember. In episode 5 both of his allies had to change tribes so Ethan was alone but all survived to the merge. The whole time Kim was a coat tail rider but when it mattered most managed two immunity wins eliminating Tom and Lex, who were both better than her and maybe better than Ethan. It was an easy vote for the jury. Ethan 5 - Kim 2.

Nick Wilson - Won S-37 (David vs. Goliath). Lawyer. Never had a vote cast against him the entire season! But he says that THIS season, if he doesn't receive a vote against him, he'll consider it an insult. Says he'll be sneakier and try to create some ninja assassin blindsides. 

I dunno, he was pretty sneaky in season 37. He already had an idol but knew there would be another one since an idol was used last tribal. So he made a fake idol and wrapped it in the paper from his REAL one. He hid it under the raft on the beach and while chatting with a few other players "found" it hoping to dissuade them from searching for the new idol. That's pretty sneaky. Anyhoo, everybody but Davie bought it. Davie told Christian (the robotics scientist who became a huge fan favourite) that Nick had an idol and Christian, who had been allied with Nick until he started going rogue, began to doubt his ally. Davie approached Mike about voting Nick out too and although HE was an ally of Nick, it started like his trust was faltering too. They probably could have voted him off, but Nick approached Davie and flat out told him that he faked the idol, so Davie, out of respect for his honesty, abandoned the blindside of Nick. He had found the hidden idol and WAS going to use it against Nick, but changed his mind. Nick wanted to vote out Christian, but saw Alison as a bigger physical threat. Mike wanted Nick to forget about Alison and vote off Davie. He tells Nick that Davie was gunning for him, which WAS true, but has since changed. Nick doesn't know this. The vote was bizarre! Nick, who now knew Davie was after him and still feared Alison more than Christian, voted for Christian. Mike voted for Davie and Alison voted for Davie. Davie played his idol so those votes were scratched. Nobody voted for Nick, but he played his fake idol THEN the real one just to be sure. Had Nick voted for Alison, Christian would have survived and most likely Nick would have been in greater danger. No idea why he voted for Christian but it was what saved his ass. Christian, over the course of the season, got 18 votes, one less than the record. That's surviving! He would have been a deserving winner. I liked Christian AND Davie, but Nick did a pretty good job. Not the most deserving, but he earned it.

Tony Vlachos - Won S-28 (Caguyan). Participated in S-34 (Game Changers) Jersey Cop. Says, "There's no way I can perform the same tricks and get away with it." "I'm going to try my best to control the game/votes without making it obvious." Tony was and IS an idol HOUND! He worked hard for his win, there is no doubt about that, but does anybody like this guy? During his season Spencer tried again and again to vote Tony out but other people either wanted to keep him around because they thought he was a goat and wouldn't get votes from the jury, or they were afraid to waste their votes on him because he had idols. This just about drove Spencer out of his mind! Spencer was betrayed by alliance members Kass and Woo when they voted out Tasha. Both thought Tony was a goat but Spencer knew he was playing both of them like fiddles. Chaos Kass stirred up shit by telling everyone Tony had promised her final three with him and his meat shield Trish. Tony got irate because HE was the only one allowed to share secrets. Kass, Woo and Spencer joined to vote out his favourite sidekick, Trish. Spencer wins immunity, Tony plays an idol and voila - Trish is gone. Then Kass's puzzle skills gave her a massive comeback win over Spence who long ago realized he had to keep winning immunity or he was dead. He was right. Next tribal he was ousted. Woo then wins a surprise extra immunity challenge and chooses to bring Tony to a final two with him STILL believing him to be a goat. The whole jury hated Tony but hated Woo's passivity all game even worse. So Tony won 8-1.

Denise Stapley - Won S-25 (Philippines) Licensed sex therapist. Still drives the same old car with duct tape and dents. "I have no clue how I'll play (survivor 40). Plans quickly dissipate into a miserable mess. Adapt, adapt, adapt." Interesting season! Final three were her at 41, Mike Firediving Skupin at 50, and Lisa Facts-of-Life at 49. S-25 started out as men vs. women. Denise had a good feeling about Malcolm and allied with him early. It was just her, Malcolm and Russel on day 9 and she was nervous. She didn't like the fact that Malcolm was interested in Angie (maybe the hottest survivor EVER so can't blame him) but figured he was smart enough to cut Angie loose in a pinch. They had to vote Russel out, but then they blended with a new tribe (which included Jonathan Penner, one of my favourite voices ever on Survivor) and were the obvious bottom two. Then the tribe lost. Not much better. But both managed to survive. Then the tribe lost again, and again. But both survived. Denise SOMEHOW did something we may never see again: she attended and survived every single tribal council in her season! She had an entertaining disgust for Abi the Brazilian drama queen, but eventually got rid of her. She masterminded the demise of Malcolm when there were only four players left and that won her the season. She totally deserved it, but more than Malcolm? I am not sure. She won 6-1-1 and got both Malcolm and Abi's votes. Penner's too. 

Kim Spradlin - Winner of S-24 (One World) Former bridal shop owner, now an interior designer. Since winning has gotten married and had three babies. The season started off with two tribes separated by sex. The men were dominant and won several immunity challenges. Luckily, Kim had formed an alliance right off the bat with Alecia, Sabrina, Cat and Chelsea. It wasn't her idea, it was Sabrina's, but she agreed. Kim busted her ass in challenges, around camp and in game play. She found the women's immunity idol and told her girls solidifying that group. But then she decided that she would align with Troyzan and Jay also. The season had some really hot girls and some hot challenges including one where they oiled themselves up all in their bikinis. It also had a midget, or little person named Leif. Yet I STILL couldn't remember Kim when I saw her this season. Strange. Anyway, she brought some other girls into her girl's alliance and annihilated the men. After a terrible start, 6 of the final 7 were women. Only Tarzan survived till 6. Yes, Tarzan. And I could't remember this season. She did some awesome personal manipulation! Used Troyzan to get rid of Mike and used Christina as the bait just as Jay was about to spill the beans to Mike. She was brilliant! A well deserving winner. Troyzan caught onto her and tried to vote her out. He came close but she got wind of it and squashed that effort. Troy stuck around for a while by winning immunity and fought to get rid of Kim, but a little too late. When she got rid of him, she won. During a challenge a question was asked, "Who would you trust with your life?" and everybody picked Kim so she did quite a job! But she was a monster in challenges too! She dominated everybody but Troy.  That link is a very well edited vid of her dominance. She'll be a scary opponent this season! Final three were Sabrina, Chelsea and Kim. Only Troyzan and Leif voted for Sabrina. All others voted for Kim. 

Parvati/Parverty Shallow - Winner of S-16 (Micronesia), Participant S-13 (Cook Islands which Yul won), Participant S-20 (Heroes vs. Villains which Sandra won). Yoga teacher/life coach/speaker so another person who can say she'd have way different careers without Survivor. I'm sorry but "life coach" just makes me want to yell, "Buhbye coach!" as she's voted out early by people she reckons could learn about life from her. She says, "I plan to be more aggressive and sneaky, hunting for idols, distributing misinformation, let others lead and take credit, and play up the new mom role." 

The fact that Parvati's win was in one of these battles of survivors who have played before, makes her an instant threat to win. But, like Rob, Sandra, Amber and, unfortunately, Tyson, she's played enough. I think the frequent players will be targeted just for that. Having said that, watching how she masterminded her way to victory in season 16 really reminded me of Kim in season 24. She made two different alliances and axed the men. The final 5/6 were women and the man was Erik, who made one of the dumbest moves in Survivor history. The girls were stirring the witches brew while they strategized throughout the show. And rather than being upset with her screwing people, the other players gave her votes at the end for outwitting them. She flirted with James the grave digger right from the beginning then brutally told him, "Sorry I'm taking girls to the end with me." James' response was a classic! "No, you don't mean sorry, you mean ha ha." He didn't give his jury vote to her and neither did Erik who was famously hoodwinked by her. Ozzy never liked her and didn't vote for her. They voted for Amanda, who was just TOO nice. The girls trusted Parvati like the survivors in season 24 trusted Kim. Even as she was lopping off their heads. Even Cirie! She's a dangerous player! Won 5-3 in a shocker. 

I'm not going to do Rob and Amber. Everybody knows them. Even I do! I'm also not going to do Sandra. She's won twice and I don't think she should have been invited this season. Twice is enough. Maybe even too much. We all remember Tyson too so I won't do him. Of these four most frequent players, it's Tyson I'd like to stick around longest. He's entertaining. 

Sarah Lacina - Participant in S-28 (Cagayan which Tony won), Winner of S-34 (Game Changers). Police officer. She placed 11th in Tony's year. I remember wondering if the two police officers would team up. They didn't. Then in Game Changers I thought they might again. Tony was voted out second behind only Ciera. I don't think the cops will align this time either. Just because Tony is SO unlikable! Sarah IS likable!  She believes there's NOTHING she can't accomplish. Says her first time she was loyal and the second time she was a flip-flopper and that won it for her. This time her goal is to create paranoia and watch people self-destruct. Hmm... I wonder who her victim(s) will be. I think maybe Tony would be a good target. At the start of Game Changers she said, "Last time I played like a cop and look where it got me. This time I'm playing like a criminal." She started off with a bang being the only person to see the hidden advantage hidden right at Mikayla's feet and used it. Later in the game, Cirie tried to expose her as a rat using a steal a vote advantage that Sarah had allowed her to hold. Sarah ended up using it on someone else now that it was exposed, and I guess noboby cought on that Cirie was pointing out a rat. Craziest part was, it was an advantage that was originally found on the first day by Sierra. She trusted Sarah and told her about it, then said she'd will it to her if she was voted off. So Sarah voted her off and got the advantage. In the end she didn't get Sierra's vote, but she DID get Cirie's. She was spectacular at tribal council in the end and probably out-talked the other two guys there (Brad and Troyzan, no slouches!) to win the whole thing. Another person who won a show with returning survivors. She'll be tough to beat. Brad got three votes including one from Ozzie, who lost again. Sarah got all 7 of the others. Troyzan got zilch.

Yul Kwon - Winner of S-13 (Cook Islands). Product Manager. (?) He says for this season, "I'm just gonna let it rip, not walk on eggshells." Yul I remember. Since it was so long ago, it must have been an extraordinary thing he did to make me remember him. It was. In the season that created a lot of controversy teaming up African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans and European Americans, Yul, of Korean heritage, found another tribemate who was too (Becky Lee) and hooked up with her on that basis. Forehead smack! Yul was a well-educated, Harvard language using geek like Christian or Aubry or Fishbach or John Cochran, only he did not look like it. He was good looking and cut. So I hated him for THAT too. Of note in this season Parvati was 6th and Jonathan Penner was 7th. Of much bigger note, Ozzie was 2nd. I really thought Ozzie should have won this one. Most people did. I think this is why it was so memorable to me. Here's basically how it happened. It was a travesty that Becky made it to the final three. Yul should have considered THAT his victory. But the guy who won all the immunity challenges, caught all the food, lit all the fires, didn't win. Came within ONE VOTE of it though. Yul 5 - Ozzy 4 - Becky 0. 

Adam Klein - Winner of S-33 (Millennials vs Gen X). Used to be a homeless shelter manager. Now a keynote speaker/host. I guess because of Survivor fame? He says many think his win was fluky. He wants people to underestimate him. He also says, "Make friends or you're playing a losing game." His was an emotional game. His mother was suffering from cancer but because he and his mother were both superfans, he went on the show knowing his mother could die at any time. As it turned out, she didn't get to see him win. She died two hours after he returned from filming. Here's how he won. It was no fluke. He won challenges and using his encyclopedic knowledge of Survivor, managed to beat out some great players.

Wendell Holland - Winner of S-36 (Ghost Island). Furniture designer. Says he'll "backstab a little bit and have more fun" this season. One of the first things Wendell did on his season was he looked for an idol. And he found one of the ghosts from the past. Something I've mention this blogpost. It was Erik's immunity idol that he just gave away, stupidly trusting Parvati and the other girls who, of course, immediately and shamelessly voted him off. Wendell vowed to "reverse the curse." He was good at challenges but even better at reading people. He instantly allied with Dom, who came 2nd. A little later he saw something in Laurel (who I liked too) and those three made it to the end. He went to a good law school but dropped out because he wasn't where he wanted to be. I can totally relate! I really liked this guy! One of the things I HATE about Survivor is the mellowdramatic reactions when family arrives. This guy said, "Bye Dad, I'll go to exile island instead of visit you." Then he made a fake idol. Then he won a couple more immunity challenges. Then he won a fire making challenge. It's all here. He earned it. Wendell 6 - Dom 5 - Laurel 0.

Michele Fitzgerald - Winner S-32 (Kaoh Rong). Was a bartender. Now a business development manager. She says, "I won big being myself. I won't play much different. Make lots of personal connections." It was a scary season with people dropping from heat exhaustion all over the place. One was even evacuated. (Caleb) I felt bad. He basically went home for trying too hard. There were some real characters like Nick, Scott, Jason, Tai, Debbie, I liked Aubrey too. Michele just wasn't noticeable. She DID make moves though. Here's how. 

Ben Driebergen - Winner S-35 (Heroes Healers Hustlers). Real Estate/Stay at home Dad. Former marine so started as a Hero. Another early alliance that lasted right to the end. (Chrissy). Season 35 might have been my favourite. Ben was instantly a guy I liked and as the season went along I just liked him better and better. Even his reunion with his wife on the icky part of the season - I didn't mind that so much. I was gutted THREE times when I thought he was done for, but two Ben Bombs and a surprise fire challenge and suddenly, he was back in the driver's seat. If anyone has done more for US veterans with PTSD I don't know who. This guy IS a hero and his million bucks was well earned! He won 5-2-1 vs. Chrissy and Ryan.

Jeremy Collins - Participant in S-29 (San Juan Del Sur won by Natalie), Won S-31 (Cambodia Second Chance). Firefighter. Another winner of a battle of returning players so a force to be reckoned with. Only finished 10th in San Juan Del Sur where everybody competed with another family member. His wife was second voted off. The eventual winner, Natalie, had her sister voted off first! Now this year SHE was voted off first. But not quite off...

Anyway, this was another emotional one. His wife, Val, who played with him the first time, had a baby boy during the filming. That was his "second chance" and that might have won it for him. He won 10-0-0 over Spencer and Tasha. Here's how. 

Sophie Clarke - Winner S-23 (South Pacific). Healthcare consultant. Season 23 was one of my favourites! LOTS of action and memorable characters! Brandon son of the evil Russel Hantz. Coach. Ozzy. Cochran. But many say it was one of the worst seasons. Some say Coach and Ozzy lost this more than Sophie winning it. I think that's how I saw it too. Then again many say she's one of the most underrated winners. Here's her tape. You be the judge. Ozzy thought she was a spoiled brat and I don't think the tape editor really um um um liked her.

Danni Boatwright - Winner of S-11 (Guatemala). Owner of Sideline Chic a sports fan apparel store. She wore her KC Chief jersey and cowboy hat all through her season. I thought of her and talked with some other folks about her during this year's Superbowl. I'm sure she's happy! I remembered her recognizing Gary, the secret former NFLer right away.

During her season, I liked her but I liked Stephenie more. Like a lot of people. But in the final vote, she beat Steph 6-1. Here's how she did it. She reminds me of Kim a LOT. Same build. Same challenge all-out effort. Same social game. Here's another well edited vid of how she won.

Tyson is another marked man because of all his survivor experience so I won't do him. We all remember him anyway.

Natalie has already been mentioned and she's not playing anymore. Just waiting to get back into the game. So that's about it.

I'm sure I will be referring to this frequently during the season.

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