Friday, June 21, 2019

I Might Not Finish This Post Before A War Breaks Out

Did you read the title? If you didn't, read it now. I'll wait. Okay, now what country came to mind when you read that? Did anyone NOT think of the U.S. of A? America FUCK YEAH!!!

I've done some reading and some of my friends have done some reading and I've read their reading and so on and so forth, and the upshot of it all seems to be the U.S. is going to war with Iran. Or they're doing their level best to anyway. I'm not talking about Uncle Traveling Bolton who's had a hard on for Iran for years. Oh okay, here's Uncle Traveling Matt from Fraggle Rock and John Bolton side by side:

Or at least on top of each other. The blog regularly shuffles my abilities. I don't know why. Today I can't put pics side by side. Inneresting.

I'm talking about TLC. And that doesn't mean Tender Loving Care either. Quite the opposite! Au contraire mes amis! Although, you could say the Trump Leadership Council DO show a lot of Love and Care for legal Tender. It's pretty much ALL they Care about. Where did I hear tell of such a group of repugnant capitalists run amok? Why, in Rolling Stone Magazine of course! Props to my bud Jack Large for posting it before I read it. You gotta check this out! Please read it!

I dunno who Andy Kroll is but he's going to win a Pulitzer if he keeps this up! To me this is WORSE than Watergate! FAR worse than Monica Lewinsky! And in my opinion, what we already know about Trump is more impeachable than Nixon and Clinton combined! What the fuck will it take to get this assclown bum-rushed out of the White House? Hopefully not much more than this. The last paragraph is particularly chilling:

          "Whatever happens in 2020, Trump’s all-out assault on regulations will long outlive his presidency, whether it’s four or eight years. At a time when the climate crisis threatens the future of humanity, Trump and his corporate backers have taken the country in the opposite direction. 'This administration’s agenda was set well before Trump was elected,' says Brune of the Sierra Club. 'Just about any safeguard to protect the country’s air, water and climate is up for sale. And if it makes Trump’s polluter friends happy, that’s what he’s promised to do and what he’s going to do.'"

Laws were "up for sale!" Making new ones and erasing old ones. And Trump has really done that, hasn't he? He had to be stopped by a judge from re-opening offshore drilling; he has promised to bring back coal; plans to open up private land for fracking; he has aggressively rolled back environmental rules; he wants to totally scrap Obama's clean power plan; provided MASSIVE tax breaks to oil companies so that many paid zero; issued executive orders to speed up gas and oil pipelines; and these and many more, were just favours he's done for the "energy" members of the TLC. The hardest group on the environment.

However, my money is on this group of far right extremists destroying the human race with war before they pollute us all into extinction. Stephen Moore, dubbed the far right's go-to economist was at the inaugural meeting of the TLC in 2016, the year this madness started, and he said the members were not conventional Republicans, but far right maverick businessmen. Moore himself wants to get rid of child labour laws so kids can start working at 11 or 12 and he thinks women shouldn't participate in sports... unless they're hot. Are these the type of 100-dollar-bill cigar lighting, back slapping, pussy grabbing, Mother cheating, greed is good, amoral monsters that we all kinda reckoned Trump was going to for advice and getting advice from? Are these his Mar-a-Lago men who consider Trump a minor league wannabe but like his hound-like loyalty and will take all the free rounds of golf, and all the presidential favours, he will give them in hopes of joining their boys club? Well now we have a LIST! We can find out.

In keeping with the coming out of the super rich who seem decreasingly concerned with hiding their corruption, I guess Andy Kroll just asked some of the people who were at that meeting and they proudly gave him a list! 48 names FFS! We know the members of the shadow cabinet! This is huge! UUUUUge even! If Trump were a football coach, this is his playbook!

And as if to conveniently drive this point home, no sooner was this list published than Trump got rid of his Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, and replaced him with Mark Esper. Now there's talking about Shanahan failing some sort of vetting procedure but he went on record saying that the U.S. needs to use diplomacy and deterrence not war in dealing with Iran. So he got turfed. And in comes Mark Esper the chief lobbyist for Raytheon. That's a 27 billion dollar ('18) weapons and warfare company. Do you suppose 2019 will be more than 27 billion if they somehow got a Secretary of Defense who was sympathetic to their needs? That's not a big leap of logic to make.

And pretty much simultaneously, HEY, whatdoyaknow? an act of aggression by Iran! An "unprovoked" act of aggression. Well we should know by now if we're paying attention, "unprovoked" is U.S. militaryspeak for "provoked."

U.S. military: "We were just flying a few inches from Iranian air space, andthenalittlebitover, then just flying innocently really, really, really close to Iranian air space, andthenalittlebitover, and we might have been playing some harmless voice messages, likefuckyoudeathtoallahandflight655, and suddenly, completely unprovoked, our passengerless drone got blown out of the sky by the evil Iranians! Nothing to do but declare war. Our hands are tied."

You know, I bet Raytheon MAKES those drones! Now they gotta make the U.S. military another one. Already Esper is cashing in!

I read that the war was already declared by Trump and strikes were planned but for some reason cancelled.

If you actually think all of this is mere coincidence, then go to the bottom of that Rolling Stone article and check out the list. Right there, fifth under the "Aerospace and Defense" group is Dr. Mark Esper, Vice President, government relations, Raytheon.

I don't think it'll be long before this war gets underway, congressional approval or not. It'd be awfully nice if he got impeached before it happened... wouldn't it?

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