Thursday, August 27, 2020

Is Trump the Antichrist?

I'm constantly nonplussed by the massive respect afforded that hapless, witless, shitless burnout sitting on his usurped throne in the Whitehouse at the moment. For instance, why are so many people so worried about him leaving the Whitehouse when he loses the upcoming election? I understand that he has flouted a lot of rules, traditions, protocols, expectations and duties during his term as president, but do we really think he'll just be able to squat in the Whitehouse? He's made it clear he will not respect the results unless he wins. If he loses, well it's just election fraud and the results are fake. The petulant child he is will not acknowledge the results as valid if he loses, but he won't be able to hold his breath until he gets his way. He'll be bum rushed outta there like a penniless barfly after closing time. Here's what will happen. Won't it?

It seems almost as if supernatural abilities are attached to Donald Trump by a lot of people. Both his sycophantic minions and his greatest detractors are guilty of it! What the actual EFF is going on here? Do people legitimately believe he's the Antichrist? I contemplated that idea and from what I've read, he fit the bill in a lot of ways, but I wasn't sure. It's been a long time since I brushed up on my end times Biblical readings. So I let the internet do some of the work. Here's a guy who did a LOT! It's almost half an hour, but give it a view. It's quite interesting.

The first thing you need to understand is that practically everything written in the Bible about the "antichrist" is from dreams and prophesy. It's predominantly interpretation, not blatant statements, that people use to speak about the antichrist. Even if there was something in the Bible saying a golf-playing buffoon will destroy the world, it would still be open to interpretation.

The above video is well made and the little video snippets link well with the statements, but I did the sword work and found that the Bible verses didn't match up as well as his video clips. Let's go through them one by one.

From the outset, we're a bit mislead. The first Bible verse, Daniel 7:23 says nothing of a future nation with the ability to destroy the world or that its symbol will be an eagle. Nothing. Nothing that could even be interpreted as such. I think maybe this guy is thinking of Nostradamus? Not sure.

But I kept going, not writing him off just yet. The second point he says is from Revelations, about a country with many nationalities and cultures, is not from Revelations, but it IS from the Daniel verse he cited. So he's batting a little less than .500.

The third point from Daniel 11:21 about an outsider who wins the election unexpectedly with fewer followers than other candidates is partially right. I read nothing about an outsider, but a couple verses later it does say "small people" so I think the fewer followers is right. And with fewer followers, a win would be unexpected.

The next verse, I'd like to save till the end. Ezekiel 28:5 is the key to the whole post, so let's put that on the back burner for now.

Daniel 11:23 about the secret alliance with an outside entity and using deception to influence his rise to power is there. Presumably, this is how the A/C comes to power with few followers. Then in Daniel 11:21 it's 50% again. It DOES say he will use flattery to influence, but it is just a guess to say it will be religious groups. It could be rich people. It could be member of the opposing parties. Anyway, what politician doesn't use flattery to influence people?

Daniel 11:21 Despicable character, bad morals. Check.

Rev. 6:2 Obsessed with winning. Nope. Not there.

Rev. 13:2, Daniel 7:4 Mouth of a lion. Yes for Rev, no for Daniel. In Daniel it was a creature like a lion with wings, then the wings were removed and it stood upright and became as a man. However, Daniel 7:4 DOES say it spoke boastfully. Now does that automatically equate to roaring like a lion? It's a stretch.

Daniel 11:24 He will profit uniquely off of the presidency. Nope. Not there.

Daniel 11:39 He will reward those loyal to him with cabinet posts and real estate deals. This was just not even close! Not there at all.

Daniel 8:25 "Make deceit prosper," are the exact words. But isn't that basically the job description of a fucking politician? Interestingly, this verse also includes that he will be destroyed, but not by a human power. Covid? Twitter?  Why didn't this guy use THAT part of the verse? It's easier to fit to Trump.

Daniel 7:25 Intent to make alterations in time and law. Yup. But that really could mean anything.

Rev. 13:3, 16 Whole earth amazed and follow him. And they will wear trademark on foreheads OR on their right hands. Yup.

Daniel 7:20 "Great" and greater things. Not there.

Rev. 13:5 Blasphemy. Yes. Also the verse mentions only 42 months of authority.

Dan 11:25, 28 Feud with the South. Punish them.

Zechariah 11:16 The A/C will desert the flock. He will not go searching for the young that were scattered. That's there. But interestingly, he will be punished for this with a withered arm and a blinded right eye. Does this account for Trump's trouble drinking water and reading cue cards?

2 Thes 2:9-11 Christians will suffer mass delusion and believe his lies. Yup.

Rev 13: 11-12 Nation's most prominent Christian leader will support the A/C. Not there. That'd be too perfect.

Dan 11:44 Reports from N and E make him angry. I'm not going to count this because in verse 33 it mentions the geography of Egypt, Libya and some tribe that is not in the US. So this one doesn't count.

Rev 13:3 Formal attempt to have the A/C removed from power and he survived. This is a BIG leap of symbolism since what is mentioned is that the creature (I think the FIRST one) had a fatal head wound that had healed. Guess it wasn't fatal then. So I guess this is interpreted as a challenge to its power.

Rev 8:10 is not there. It talks about a flaming mountain being dropped into the sea, then the sea turning to blood and a third part (I think) of the sea creatures dying? How do you get a world pandemic from this?

Zech 11:16 A/C doesn't care about sick or dying and will do what's best for himself. Yup.

Rev 6:6 Food shortages and prices go up. It says 2 lbs. of wheat costs a day's wages. So I guess so. Oil stays cheap. Yes. Also, wine stays cheap as well.

Dan 11:33-5 A/C responds to civil unrest with a heavy hand. I didn't really get that, but this might require a lot of detailed interpretation.

Dan 11:31Temple takeover, polluted sanctuary, sacrilege, desecration. Yes, yes, yes, yes.

2 Thes 2:4, Dan 8:25 A/C sees himself as a god or God. yup

Dan 11:37 A/C worships god of border walls - no. God of fortresses - yes. So if you want to make that leap as the narrator does, this is dependent upon that.

Dan 11:32 With smooth words he will corrupt Christians, but those who know their God will not be tempted and firmly resist the A/C. This is probably the clearest of all. YES.

If you look at the red, being the stuff that wasn't just made up or VERY loosely interpreted to fit Donald Trump, you don't have a very compelling argument for Trump being the antichrist. I'm going to make it less compelling now with the verse I said was the key to this whole thing. Ezekiel 28:5 says that the A/C will be a wealthy, skilled businessman who earned lots of money in trade deals. Once again this is Donald Trump being given FAR too much credit. That was a carefully chosen phrase because THAT is how Donald Trump has made his money. Not in trade deals, but by being given far too much credit. Loans.

It started with a huge gift from his old man. Then more loans from elsewhere that, even if invested by a mediocre businessman should have made him billions but didn't. Yet a lot of people give Donald Trump credit for being a savvy, tough businessman. He's put a lot of effort into cultivating this image of himself over the years, but where is the evidence? There are many who say he isn't even a billionaire, although he wants us all to believe him when he says that he is. Who should we believe?

Let's start at the beginning.

That's Friedrich Trump, Donald's grandfather, Fred's father. Died of the flu that is called the Spanish flu but really should be called the Kansas Flu. In 1918, not 1917 when Donald thinks the Spanish flu pandemic took place. And, of course, it didn't end WWII. Family roots in Germany, the family patriarch dying of the flu in 1918... interesting he doesn't know more about these things. Oh well, let's move on.

Friedrich and even his son, Fred, could be thought of as self-made men. Donald Trump was rich before he could even say, "tax evasion." The NY Times wrote that he was a millionaire by age 8. His father, Fred Christ Trump, his hero, could probably be described as a tough, savvy businessman and even respected if you stripped away the sleaziness. Profiteering investigations by the U.S. senate in '54; then the State of New York in '66; father and son sued as a team for violating the Fair Housing Act in '73 for - you know - not being fair with their housing (racism); draft-dodging father; helping his son dodge the draft; arrest in connection with a KKK march in '27 when he was 21 years old; partner (Bill Tomasello) with mob ties; and I'm sure that by the time Donald joined Fred's real estate firm in '68 then became president of it in '71, he had learned some of his old man's tricks. Donald Trump tells us he did anyway.

The story goes, in 1924, Fred's mother loaned him $800.00 to invest in his first housing project. By 1926 he was building 20 homes a year in Queens. Admirable.

Donald Trump's now infamous million-dollar loan story is an attempt to be like Dad and Gramps, but it's a huge exaggeration. 413 million dollars! No wonder he liked his dad! That's almost as much money as he's borrowed from RUSSIA! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. It appears business was much harder than the young Donald had anticipated. If he had just safely invested all the money he was given, he'd actually BE a billionaire today! I suppose it's admirable that instead of just being lazy, he tried his hand at business... but he was not very good despite his reputation. In a couple of decades, the 70's and 80's, he burned through all that money, plus all the money he had borrowed from banks all over the place, and was pretty much an untouchable credit risk. Again I'm jumping too far ahead. Where did he GET the reputation and respect for being a skilled businessman? This is really interesting.

This is absolutely hilarious! Give it a listen.

Notice, this is the Washington Post. Trump hates the Washington Post and calls them "fake news" for things like the following: It's a recording of a "John Baron" trying to convince the Forbes 400 list compilers that he should be on that list. It's laughable, but it might have worked! Just being on this list, and possibly being the son of legitimate rich guy, Fred Trump, (who's to say which was better collateral?) GOT him loans! He got loans from all over the place and used the money to make business deals. When the business deals went bad and the loans strayed into default, the banks couldn't get their money back because he just sued them. This lead to a situation in which Trump is embroiled in 3500 lawsuits as we speak and no bank in America will touch him. Just read the blurb on the book, "Plaintiff in Chief," which was written about Trump's lawsuits. Does that sound like a savvy businessman? Does that sound like the guy you want leading your country? How much creativity or intelligence does it take to formulate a business plan that is: Step 1 - Leverage money I didn't earn to get loans. Step 2 - Buy some shit. Step 3 - Paying back loans, and for that matter, paying taxes is expensive so don't do it. Step 4 - When the American money runs out, there's always Russia. This "business plan" doesn't require intelligence, it requires malleable morality or complete amorality. It kinda sounds like the antichrist, doesn't it?

Here's a detailed look at how bad a businessman Trump is. It's from the New York Times, which Trump also hates and calls "fake news" because they print stuff like this: "A Decade in the Red." If you can't read that link, maybe you've already read your limit this week, most of the information has been reprinted in other sources. The NY Times dug up some of Trump's tax info and found that he wasn't such a great businessman. In fact, and this is taken directly from the article, they printed that, "In fact, year after year, Mr. Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer, The Times found when it compared his results with detailed information the I.R.S. compiles on an annual sampling of high-income earners." From 1985-1994, Trump lost 1.17 billion. That's more than anyone in the IRS records. So for that decade at least, he was probably the WORST businessman in America.

If you want more info, look up a guy named David Cay Johnston. He's a tax expert and investigative journalist who was assigned by the Philadelphia Inquirer to dig into the Atlantic City casino industry three decades ago. You can read him online or watch him on YouTube. He has some shocking things to say about Trump's financial wizardry. "It's Even Worse Than You Think," is a book about how Trump is ruining America. "The Making of Donald Trump," is another of his books. He calls Donald Trump P.T. Barnum. Here, it's long, but this is a great interview if you want a good indication of Trump's character. Keep in mind, this guy is a Republican.

So, to make a long story short, too late, after the disastrous downfall, Trump somehow made a comeback. This is the Daniel 11 secret alliance with Russia that is still not public record, but there are endless clues that remove all doubt. Donald Trump resorted to Russia for loans and you'd better believe there will be, or already has been quid pro quo.

So, in conclusion, he's not the antichrist, but he IS a scumbag. And if you have any intention of voting for him, you shouldn't. Particularly if you're a Christian. Go to about the 35 minute mark of the video above. But, how many of his supporters will read this, or any of the information contained in this? We'll see come election time...

1 comment:

  1. This is such an interesting blog. You are very knowledgeable about this subject.
