Friday, August 14, 2020

OOOOOOooooo I Heard it Through an Internet Meme

Thinkin' about presidential songs today. Before I tell you the song that I hope to be singing in November of 2020, here's a primer on the subject.

Some of those songs are pretty good. And some, as the narrator says, "Fuckin' YIKES!"

Imagine Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Now here's what they're saying to each other:

We've had some fun, and yes we've had our ups and downs
Been down that rocky road, but here we are, still around
We thought about someone else, but neither one could debate

You may recognize it already, but if not...

Is that the perfect Joe Biden presidential song or what? "Happy to be stuck with you," would probably sum up my feelings about a Biden victory. Wouldn't be my first choice. Or my fifteenth, sixteenth, twentieth, eightieth, but since the alternative is Trump, I'd be happy to be stuck with Biden.

I guess this leads us to stupid memes again. I've seen a few the past couple of weeks and since the posters of them are unlikely to read this, I think I'm safe to repost them and share in no uncertain terms how stupid they are.
Is this the BEST voting advice? Is it even GOOD voting advice? Well let's look at something that gets really lost in a helluva lot of bullshit at election time: The American people are almost unanimous on all of the major issues. Jobs. Probably number one. They want more and they want better pay. Unanimously. Taxes. Not so many and not so much. Unanimously. Go down the list and the issues are obvious and the American people differ little on them if at all. Health care, education, environment, the economy, crime, social security, the poor, immigration, terrorism, drugs, race relations, the military... Okay toward the end of the list the issues got a little more divisive, but all in all the American people are nowhere near as divided in what they want from their political leaders as those political leaders would have the American people believe every four years.

Now, plug that into the above analogy. The analogy is useful, just ignorantly used. Since the majority of Americans want the same things from their government, they are trying to get to the same destination. If there is no bus that takes them to the place everybody is going, do you REALLY think it would be "sulking" to ask, "Why the fuck is there no bus that takes people where everybody wants to go?" I don't think that's sulking at all, it's demanding accountability from your government/transit system. But as we see so often that I have given it a name, the "at least" mentality, people are constantly being socialized into settling for mediocrity. Why do we have to take a bus that gets us CLOSE to where we want to go, especially when everybody wants to go to the same spot? Why isn't there a bus that goes there? Well there IS the Bernie Bus, but it's out of service. Only two buses are running and one of them you probably won't survive the trip, so you have to take the Biden bus. But be happy to be stuck with the Biden bus because even though it ain't great, it's better than the flaming bat into Hell bus that is the alternative.

Here's another one:

Haters gonna hate. There are stories, there are debunking articles, hell, you could get the audio, maybe even video from which this meme originated, but do you? No time. "It's in meme form and I already don't like this woman, I'll just believe it. But that just won't satisfy me. I think I'll repost it on Facebook and mislead all of my friends too!" DUMMIES! She was being interviewed by two dudes. She was asked if she smoked pot when she was in college. Her answer was, "Yes. And I inhaled too!" You don't see that honesty in the meme, do you? There was another question asked by one interviewer - "What kind of music do you listen to?" Before she could answer, the second guy made a joke, "Yeah what did you listen to when you were smoking weed in college?" She laughed, then addressing the poser of the original question, not even looking at the guy who made the joke, she said she listens to Tupac and Snoop.

A great example of the miniscule NON-issues that politics is about. Where does Kamala Harris stand on the important issues listed a couple paragraphs ago? No idea, but if she lied about Tupac and Snoop, HELL no I ain't votin' for her ass!

Here's another one:

Now in case you have some doubts about the driver of the flaming bat into Hell bus, the above meme is a pretty good example of the fairy tales people believe about him. "Well, someone took the trouble to make it into a meme, and I want to love him, so I'll believe this. And if you give me rock solid evidence to prove me wrong, since I'm already overinvested, I'll double down and triple down and call you nasty names and defriend you and tell your friends not to like you." Trump nation ladies and gentlemen. Let's give them a round of applause.

Here's the real story. It's just a complex web of legal deceit and the only sport Trump plays other than golf - suing people. Again, Snopes. Not difficult to find. Verify the story. If it sounds too good to be true, it definitely is if it involves Trump! And before you start yeahbutting, exactly none of the legal ingenuity was initiated by Donald Trump, he's too dumb. It was all his lawyers. That's what he pays them to do. In the last three decades he's been embroiled in (once again, not him but his lawyers) 3500 lawsuits. Go ahead and look it up. I didn't link that but I could have. I just want you to do what all of the knuckleheads who posted the above crap could so easily have done... look that shit up! It's not hard folks!

Trump is the King and whoever made that meme is the propagandist sculptor. Wait a sec... is he grabbing Justice by the pussy?!?!

They were trying to soften up the community rules that require the golf course to be "community serving," so that Trump would be able to have people from outside the community, like Saudi oilmen and Russian mobsters, use Maralago in exchange for who knows what? Definitely in violation of every emolument clause known to man. It's a particularly Trumpian touch that any money he actually paid was routed illegally through his fake charities.

So I guess if I were to choose a song to sum up the moral of this blog post, I suppose it would be an old Motown classic by Marvin Gaye. Memes are the equivalent today of what used to be called the "Grapevine." And if you listen very closely to the song, "I Heard it Through the Grapevine," there's a part that goes,

People say, "Believe half of what you see
Son, and none of what you hear"

If you ask me, I think old Marvin was a little too trusting.

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