Sunday, January 26, 2025

2 Cult Classics


I don’t know if I’ve covered this fully enough. I was guilty of not explaining the latest con that was successfully run on Canada and the US, the Covid Fleecing we’ll call it, so I want to make sure I explain the latest, the Tariff War we’ll call it, in hopes that someone will recognize it and start a movement to halt it before we embarrass ourselves by electing swindlers to office that we believe are being heroic.

It’s too late in the US but we may still have hope here in Canada.

I am currently in Trail, BC, one of many small towns that have been turned into virtual ghost towns in comparison to the lively villages they were before Covid. I’m not saying it was a hoax. I believe Covid is real and have gotten my shots. But, as I blogged, consters that find their ways into government are nothing if not opportunistic. The Pandemic was seen by them as a giant opening to do what they do best: squeeze as much of the working people’s money up through the bottleneck to the economic elite as they can.

I think, instead of trying to figure out exactly what the Artless Donald and Doug WWE Ford BELIEVE tariffs are and how they work, we should cover what they are and how they work in Reality-Land.

We talked about how the Fed sets interest rates and prints money so ignore that part. Skip ahead to just before the 2:30 mark where Trumpty Dumpty is exposed as "pathological." That or just stupid. US tariffs are paid by businesses in the US to the treasury of the US through a customs agent. That agent sends the money to the treasury and Scott Bessent Trump's choice as secretary of the treasury, a hedge fund manager who donated "bigly" to Trump's campaign and is a fan of tariffs. Surely HE knows how a tariff works and he's for them. He's gonna get a lot of money if the Tariff war starts. While Bessent defends tax cuts to the rich and any Dem challenges Bessent by saying Tariffs will be inflationary he just lies and says history does not support that theory. When asked what is done with treasury money he says the benefits to the rich will be paid for by (fantasy again) economic growth of the "trickle-down" variety. He's very good at "respectfully disagreeing" with challengers and producing (not to say pulling out of he ass) contradictory (not to say fabricated) stats that support enriching the rich. 

HOWEVER, history does NOT support tariffs working or cutting taxes for the rich trickling down as benefits to the working people of any country. Those are just lies and he knows it folks. They're not hiding that any more. This is a Disney bad guy who is the one who gets the money from tariffs. And let me clear up one thing again, merchants or agencies who are paying the tariffs do NOT raise prices in accordance with the tariffs. For example if there's a 25% tariff it's just not considered good business nowadays to raise your price only 25%. The price will go up 35% or 40% or what the hell, screw the consumer, 50%. That is the definition of inflationary. In this way "tariff" is just another word for tax raises. So the rich get lower taxes and higher profits and the general public gets higher prices for everything. This is how you collapse an economy. And the exact same thing will happen in Canada if we fall into the trap Doug Ford is trying to con us into - retaliatory tariffs. 

Don't get sucked in by this Trump wannabe Canada. His hat is blue because blue=red in Canada for some reason but make no mistake, it might as well have MAGA on it. He's peddling international rivalry, basically hatred of our neighbours and don't forget "hatred" is just "red hat" in reverse. Compound the tariff wars with climate change-driven insurance-based economic collapse and Ford's hatred of carbon taxes and you have agreement with Trump's "drill drill drill" economy collapsing mentality. It's almost like politics in our nations are TRYING to break us all.

Don't fall for it! Don't get sucked into the cults of tariffs and climate change denial. They'll have worse effects than Covid.

Addendum: I wrote this just as His Trumpishness was imposing tariffs on Columbia for not accepting a planeload of Columbian citizens he had deemed to be criminals. I don't know much about the people on the plane but I wonder how much worse they were than the criminals Trump gave sweeping pardons to for January 6th. Anyway, because of what I've described here, now the prices of things the US imports from Columbia are going up. Coffee comes to mind. Here's a partial list that includes bananas, pineapples, avocados, and oh yeah, OIL and flowers and some more products:

Donald Bone Spur Trump wants war. As long as he doesn't have to, you know, fight. He's a warmonger. He THINKS trade wars will be good for America. Or does he? Maybe he just thinks they will be good for a small number of Americans who are at the very top of the financial spectrum. This is the very definition of oligarchy - government by the few for the few - that you've heard about. It's coming to a democracy near you. I don't want this to happen but it might be a matter of the world deciding to go with Trump or go against him. We've had decisions like this before and they've been disastrous. Do we want this manchild to incite trade wars or worse WAR wars? He's just not worth it! 

While I LOVE the description of Trump as an "unhinged toddler" and the fact that he doesn't understand this shit as an indication of his ignorance... I'm not so sure. I think it's malicious greed. I don't think Trump is a genius but I give him credit for being smarter than a toddler who would probably understand this shit. So America, you're under the control of a guy who is maliciously fucking your economy. At the same time I'm not so convinced of Trudeau saying he's got the backs of Canadians. Unless he means he's behind us loobing up, I don't trust this statement. He and our elected representatives are every bit as malicious in this manufactured trade war and it's just a way to suck more blood from the stone that is the oversodomized worker of both Canada and the US. 

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