Friday, January 24, 2025

Ethics Schmethics

 One of the things I failed to mention in my last post on reality being made up largely of fantasy was economics. When you talk economics you will probably make reference to Adam Smith even if you don’t know you’re doing it. He knew the score in the 1700’s when he was alive and if it has changed since it has only been for the worse. The best quote I know of from The Wealth of Nations (and there are a good many) is as follows, “People of the same trade (businesspeople) seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”

Know any of these? There are still people like this everywhere. Maybe more of them than ever. EVERYTHING is about money, and they consider themselves so entitled to more of it than YOU that they think nothing of obtaining it through unscrupulous methods. Cheating, lying, and stealing is their trade. They’re thoroughly corrupt and take a deviant pride in how hilarious it is to cheat stupid people out of their money. Think “The Big Short” when Mark Baum meets the slimy synthetic CDO salesman and needs to hit the Vegas crap tables to “cleanse” himself afterwards.

 Now imagine something that would make that scumbag orgasm. Imagine a graft that would make every pore on his body excrete greed in the form of slime. THAT is central banking.

The history of central banking goes through Holland, Sweden, and England before it reaches its apotheosis in “The Fed” of the US. The fact that it WAS in England is why it took the US so long to continue starting banks that failed one after another because the business model of a bank is just counter-intuitive. It took a while for the business of banking to refine itself and that refinement was nothing more than fantasy. They didn’t need to base their existence on solid, concrete, gold or silver against which to base their currency. That had been tried and it failed because war is expensive and when a lender of last resort runs out of gold-backed currency, why, it’s just not ethical to lend more. Well ethics schmethics! Yes, central banks were invented on the principle of “ethics schmethics.” Anyone who tries to legitimize them is a slimy synthetic CDO type.

“Fiat currency” is government issued money (more precisely central bank issued currency) that has no backing in physical commodity like gold or silver. It is what the central banks of the world have been printing since the central banking systems took over. It is completely based on the public’s faith, nothing of substance. It is that gossamer thin, unsubstantial faith that is all that keeps countries like the US and Canada from debilitating bank runs that would crash their economies. If you watch The Big Short again and remember the bank “bailout” of 2008 or Wall Street Bailout or any of the technical names it was given to make stupid people trust in its legitimacy like the TARP Troubled Asset Relief Program, or the EESA Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, it was just 700 billion dollars created out of thin air, backed by nothing but the public faith that it would solve the problem. That loan to banks, who ironically are the least likely entities in the world to pay it back, has ballooned well into the trillions even at modest interest rates but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that people BELIEVE it solved the financial crisis.

The central banks of the world are just the wet dreams of these reptilian robbers that Adam Smith warned us about centuries ago. They are walking around with pads of paper and pens scribbling on the paper, ripping off the sheet, handing it to merchants and getting goods and services, REAL LIFE goods and services, in return. And they only get away with it because we believe in them.

Well, Canada, the CEO of a central bank is the guy whose job it is to legitimize the thing. He’s the dude (or she’s the dude, Christine Lagarde) who makes us believe that fantasy cash she/he is printing has value. Guess who did that for both the UK and Canada. A guy named Mark Carney. I absolutely LOVE the name! Ever go to the carnival and meet a carney? This guy is no better. Those rings don’t fit around the Coke bottles and this guy is no more legitimate. He’s a con man. He’s got to be, or he couldn’t have done his jobs leading two central banks. He’s never won an actual election anywhere, so the people of Canada have never given him their stamp of approval (if you believe elections are still won by the folks we actually want to win them). So immediately we are putting the possible leadership of our country in the hands of the members of the Canadian Liberal party. We trust them…. don’t we?

I trust them to pick a guy like this who perpetuates the ongoing fantasies, the WWE fake sports that are Canadian politics and banking. If he wins the Liberal party leadership and then the federal election we will have our FAITH to blame.

Don't believe these guys will be enemies. The Tariff War con has already started. I bet Carney will try to sell it to us. 

In 2020 it was estimated that the amount of fiat currency in the world was around 215 trillion US$. That was ALL the money in the world in 2017. So quietly go to your bank and withdraw all of your money. Buy gold or silver or something of value. In Russia they use vodka. We could probably use maple syrup here in Canada. The vast majority of money in the world, because of the central banking systems that have been forced upon us, is just pure fantasy. Keeping your money in banks is just having faith in bankers. Watch “The Big Short” one more time. Do these snake oil salesmen warrant such faith? NO! Emphatically NOOOO! They’re just a mess of carnies.

Here's a pretty detailed explanation:

Adam Smith was a moral philosopher, not an economist. "Ethics schmethics" is immoral and economics has always been about philosophy just as much if not more than science. Economics has lost its morality. "Greed is good" is not something a person should be proud of. It's not something we should be proud of our countries for tolerating either. Bribing politicians, cheating the working class, increasing the gap between Haves and Have-nots, running countries like amoral businesses, it's all wrong and we all know it. If we do nothing about it we are just empowering the "ethics schmethics" mindset. It's gotta stop.

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