Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Not Harper Wins!!!

Okay, okay. Let me start off by saying I'm not crazy about Trudeau, but in traditional Canadian political fashion, I am sort of a little bit kinda not disappointed that the lesser of the two evils won the election. This is the best we can hope for as Canadian voters and this is why I continue to flog the dead horse of Canadian political restructuring. Voter turn-out is expected to be up this year. Why? It's not because there was somebody people really wanted to vote for, it was because there was somebody people really wanted to vote AGAINST! This is sad! Trudeau didn't win, Not Harper won the election.

The other day my sister-in-law said to me that we shouldn't give up. We should keep voting on the off chance that maybe someday we'll get somebody who might do something good for this country. I'm paraphrasing but she is a smart person who failed to see the irony of her own words. This, not laziness, not trying to be cool, THIS is why I and many other Canadians are sick and tired of voting. Even if our candidate wins, he/she is not exactly what we want. We voted for him/her for a few of the promises made and every four years the pattern just repeates itself, THESE are the promises our candidate doesn't keep. If you throw another vote in there fully expecting to be disappointed, THAT is voter apathy. THAT is giving up. If you DON'T vote in hopes that someday the Canadian public will wake up and join you so that the voter turn out is SO low the whole system needs to be scrapped and replaced, THAT to me is not giving up. There's a better chance of that happening than Mr. Trudeau being the saviour of our country. Anybody disagree with that?

Now, I admit that's awfully radical and I understand that as a country we are addicted to the vote and erroneously equate it with democracy so we'd prefer to cling to it and try a softer solution. Believe it or not I still think we could have success by keeping our current system. I too believe that MAYBE someday there just could be a super-candidate in Canadian politics. It's happening now in the States. Bernie Sanders has somehow sneaked through the corruption. But I think there are far more useful things we could be doing than just wasting votes on lame candidates and waiting for our Bernie Sanders.

What do I suggest as an alternative? Like I said, restructuring. We all want representative and transparent government. Honest people who listen to Canadians and do what we want. Or at least the majority of us want. Not the POLITICAL "majority" because that's just another part of our fake democracy. The government of Canada is the political equivalent of the WWE, folks. And the crazy thing is how many Canadians think pro politics is REAL! It's not. They are constantly telling us we are free. False. Just political jargon because they know we WANT to be free. So they figure if they tell us and we believe really hard, voila, we'll be free. Same thing with this overused Snuffleuppagus of a term: democracy. We don't have a democracy unless the majority wins. I have never heard of a government in Canada during which the majority of Canadians got what they wanted. It has never happened. This time? Trudeau will have a majority government but that just means he won more than half the SEATS not more than half the votes of the people. Even with voter turn-out 70%, if he got half the votes of all the voters, which he likely won't, that would still be only 35% of the voters. Not to mention the 30% of Canadians who didn't vote. It's a joke, really! He will probably have the votes of fewer people than DIDN'T even vote in the country in a year when voter turn-out is UP! And he will call it a "majority" government to make us feel like we have the democracy we've always wanted. He'll probably get about 10 million votes. Those who don't vote and those who vote for someone else will probably number 25 million. Not a majority. And when you figure he'll be an extraordinarily good PM if he only lies to us half the time, then some of us will get half of what we want. The rest won't. That's not democracy.

It's ridiculously simple to achieve true democratic majority government although current politicians will tell you it's not. One of the many WWE lies we all believe. Like voting for ideas individually is expensive. Bullshit. We all have computers. Let's vote individually on bill C-51 or a fucking business deal that locks us into a 30 year agreement with China. This wasn't discussed in our fake parliament, nor did people have any say in it. And it will be the cause of many problems in our country in the future. We probably won't know it because we'll be watching Hockey Night in Canada instead of reading about it on the 20th page of the newspaper. But it will. Thanks Harper.

How do the Academy Awards maintain honesty and secrecy so that nobody knows the results of the Oscars in advance? What is it, Price Waterhouse? Hire people from THERE. Who pours the gold at gold mines in our country? Who stacks the money in banks. Who makes every drop at 7-11 and never records a loss in a shift? Hire people like THAT! To do what? To oversee our government officials. Checks and balances. They have NONE right now. NONE! With the recent Harper government as our guide it's pretty simple to see how we are governed. If you screw up, just draft a bill into law that will allow you to cover up your mistake. Examples? Pressuring RCMP on long gun registry. Dual citizens show low support numbers for Conservatives? Draft a law that allows you to call them terrorists and take away their rights to vote. CBC doesn't lie in your favour? Trash it. Scientists are too busy doing science to embrace your views about global warming and environmental protection? De-fund and gag them. Don't think you'll win the next election? CHEAT! With proper checks and balances in Canada, Harper wouldn't have even been eligible to run after his first term. Instead we got nine years of his "leadership." It's been a long time since we've had anyone else as our supposed "leader." For all you people, who should be ashamed of yourselves as Canadians, who voted for this crook AGAIN, read this carefully. Or just sit there in your wrongness being wrong. Both are absolutely inexplicable to me. Particularly to my buddy, Jason who actually said, he actually said this, folks, "At least Stephen Harper hasn't had any scandals during his time in office." I'm paraphrasing again but something like that. There are links to articles that describe all 101 embarrassments to our country. Take your time. Read all this stuff you should have been reading as it happened so you'd be better informed and wouldn't have voted for him today. I don't even consider this a complete list. There are things I know about that don't appear on this list and still many other things we may or may not find out about in the future. These are just things we know about now.

And all you people who post about how you are disgusted about how uninformed people are and have expressed desires to de-friend Facebook friends who are so ignorant that they don't vote for Harper, please READ! Erase half of these, even three quarters of them and I STILL can't for the life of me think of why any reasonable person would waste a perfectly good vote on this man. It boggles the mind even further when you think that THIS is the BEST candidate the entire Conservative party could come up with! This speaks volumes of our whole system of government and why I feel it needs a complete restructuring making it fully representative and transparent.
Here's a pretty thorough summary of how he has damaged our country and actually compromised our international reputation while he was in office.

Now, having read that, let's go back to what I said WAY up there at the top of this post: I am not crazy about the replacement we have voted in either. Justin Trudeau, from the reading I have done, the debate watching, the study, he seems to never say anything. He has a heritage of pro politics so he is probably as good at sounding like he's committing to something but leaving himself openings to go either way, as, say, Randy The Macho Man Savage was at going back and forth from good guy to bad guy in the WWF. He will continue Harper's path of selling our country's resources to China and the U.S. by the looks of things. For crying out loud, Canada! Norway charges something like 73% tax on all the oil extracted from its soil. We can't even make our own refineries? Instead WE build the fucking pipelines so that our oil will be shipped elsewhere to be refined and then sold back to us. We are actually being CHARGED for our oil! Where are the politicians who want to help Canada? There don't seem to be any. There are so many very simple things that could be done but won't be.

Here's one more WWE lie we believe, (and my buddy Jason proudly posted on Facebook), Canada's world ranking as a favourable place to do business is something we should be proud of. No it fucking isn't! We sign a 30 year deal with China that will have them calling a lot of the shots in Canada for our foreseeable future and what did we get? A couple of pandas. We don't charge companies to start up business here. No capital gains tax. No taxes. Harper was working on allowing foreign businesses to flout many other Canadian laws too like minimum wage, immigration, student visas. Not that they don't already pay zero attention to them, (with full governmental support), but he was trying to do the old, "make a law that SAYS you can" move.

We need referees to throw flags on these plays. We don't have them. If we did, and there were some actual penalties for unfair political play, THEN maybe our country's political landscape might be a little more attractive to honest people and a lot LESS attractive to the money-grubbing douchebags we always end up with.

Anyway, as always, I have little hope for our new PM. But, hey, you never know. I have little hope for my country either. Both for the same reason. Because Canadians continue to apathetically accept the endless fakeness and folly that is our broken, antiquated, illogical political system. It has, along with hospitals, schools, sports, media, and other things that should be honest institutions for the betterment of society, become just another corrupt corporation.

Harper's GONE! That gives me a little hope. But not much.


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