Wednesday, February 20, 2019

2020 Vision

You know what I love? People who talk about something they hate after asking, "You know what I love?" I love watching and listening to people trying to make a legitimate statement about extreme feminism, "Me Too" run amok, or reverse sexual discrimination without appearing to think that any of those things actually exist in the world. It's not exclusively, but mostly men I'm talking about. Men who are afraid of women. You know what else I love? That dude's hat. Here's an example I stumbled upon:

People apologizing for having Sanders speak at a women's march weren't doing so because he's not a feminist, he is, not because his policies don't help women, they do, not because he isn't popular among women voters, he is, not because he would say anything bad about women, he didn't, it was because the mob were (as the speaker describes them) butthurt that he ran against Hillary in 2016. Despite the fact that there were 2 of 42 speakers with penii at this rally, Bernie was viewed by some as the lead speaker, presumably because he was the most famous. Hardly grounds for apology. The announcer actually comes harrowingly close to saying what we all know he means when he says that objections to Bernie speaking were based entirely on... (genitalia?) false pretenses.

The one possibly valid reason for feminists being upset or requiring an apology for Bernie Sanders speaking at a feminist rally would be the idea that his popularity and inexplicable failure to win the fixed Democratic candidacy race for the 2016 election, indirectly (and understandably) led to disenfranchised voters, which partially, along with cheating, stupidity and Russian shenanigans, eventually led to the worst president in history. The ralliers then being referred to as "Clintonistas" might make more sense. What doesn't make sense, to me, is how anyone can view it in this popular way with absolutely nobody being offended. Hell they can have rallies! "Bernie cost us our female president!" That's fine for them to say. But if I were to write here about the possibility of extreme feminism having prevented Bernie Sanders from becoming the Democratic nominee for the 2016 election and eventually the president, people would eat me alive, wouldn't they? I'd be called a woman-hater, misogynist, conspiracy theorist and such. But with Bernie and, (who knows?), maybe Hillary running again for Dem leadership for the 2020 election, I am seeing and reading more people who are tip-toeing about the edges, but never quite saying exactly that.

Analogously, it's fine to say, "It's about time for a woman to be president," while it'd be political suicide to say that you'd prefer a man. How to end a political career 101. But saying you want a new kind of bush in the Whitehouse (hardy har har) would GET you votes! Unless you were a man, then it'd be sexual misconduct.

I think with the way the whole country was feeling the Bern in 2016, he would have steamrolled Trump and become one of the best presidents ever. And I don't even think it was the majority of feminists who fixed the Democratic leadership vote, they supported him. Even at Hillary's alma mater. If you get a chance, watch Michael Moore's newest, "Fahrenheit 11/9" and go to about the 45 minute mark and you will see Democrat reps at the DNC in 2016 lying about the results of their leadership election. LYING! But even Moore doesn't quite say the female alliance went over the line! In the fucked up system that we all mistake as democracy nowadays when elections can be decided beforehand with whatever the hell "SUPERcandidates" are, lying wins. Sanders destroyed Hillary and he would have slam-dunked Trump. And now America'd be talking about building infrastructure, not border walls; healthcare for all not some; tax breaks for tax payers not rich tax dodgers; but instead they have this bozo screwing 99.9% of the country to build his corporate profile. But a few people (not all women but mostly) being emotional and not cerebral, singing Helen Reddy in their heads and doing their part for the sistahs, tears in their eyes or rolling down their cheeks, said, "Vagina power!"

I'm the asshole for wondering about that? But it's fine and dandy for people to get butthurt about Bernie speaking at a feminist rally because either he cost them their first first man or just because he is a man? Well that's just about as unfair as the male-dominated society feminists are meant to be fighting against!

The whole thing was a travesty! Even Elizabeth Warren said the DNC was fixed! Of course she semi, but never fully, retracted the statement. Of course she did! She's running for president in 2020 so will need to win her party's nomination in the same way Hillary did. (meaning by becoming the Dem's rep, not by just being a chick) She can't very well be on record as saying it's rigged. By the time the damn thing happened Bernie was so far ahead of Hillary in every poll and in the minds of the American people that it HAD to be rigged. He was going to revolutionize the system. Hillary was a moderate. Not an inspiring word. Even SNL knew what should have happened! Bernie was the golden goose, Hillary was some chicken that'll do. Although they DID say that if Bernie won, he wouldn't have beaten Trump. I think he would have done much better than Hillary although, silly me, there I go again thinking elections aren't rigged. Then there's talk of Hillary's super PAC and maybe the rich donors her and Bill had so many of tilted the DNC in her favour.... Maybe it was money, but I think it's more likely that it was a little bit Too Me Too.

Yeah, I know, I hate women. I should be sent to sensitivity training. I'm a terrible human being. Sue me, but I just think in any election people should be voted on for what they will do to help their countries, not their sex. I differ from Madeleine Albright who said there's a special place in hell for women who don't support women in elections. Or Gloria Steinem who said, about the 2016 election, that the boys were all with Bernie inferring that the girls should all be with Hillary. They were both backin' their bitch in 2016. But do you know who was against this kind of voting? Hillary Clinton. Or at least she said that.

Cue the mealy mouthing. I like the Me Too movement and I believe in equality between the sexes. But like unions, politics and super powers, with great power comes great responsibility. Nobody's super because of their power. They're superheroes or supervillains based on how they wield it. It has to be tempered with wise regulation. And with the ferociousness of the women's movement, it is often apparent (at least to me) that they have very few regulators. Most people are too scared of them! So in a little way (like my usual "AT LEAST" type of thinking) I can view this whole situation as a bit poetic. The absolute reality that if you have more votes than your opponent and lose is the opposite of democracy and it might be how Hillary won the Dem leadership in 2016. But it makes it possible to say, "Well at least she lost the presidency the same way."

I guess the question is, will powerful feminists learn from this monumental mistake if it really was just a big girls' club that shot itself in the foot? Bernie's running again. Will girls vote for girls because they're girls? Will a better girl come along? I like Liz Warren. But I don't think she'd be half the president Bernie would. Will the U.S. suffer another winner who doesn't get into office? Will they finally realize that their system is why they suffer these tragedies?

It might be another interesting election next year... The fireworks are already beginning. Get ready for some "organic virality," or in the jargon of old farts like me, "mud slinging."

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