Thursday, March 9, 2017

Some of my best writing is just comments on other posts

This seems to be the only way I can post a video. So if I figure a way of putting my apartment video onto YouTube, then I will be able to upload it here. I'll add it to my last post. THIS post, however, will be about some other stuff. The video above was a chance occurrence for me. I got onto YouTube and it suggested this video for me. I don't know why. I have a curiosity about human behaviour, especially the extreme type like the psychopaths/sociopaths, so I have watched a few of their stories on YouTube. I also have this belief that the psychopathic serial killer can give us a lot of insight into the kind of mental deviants that I think are far more dangerous: the C.E.O., captain of industry, Donald Shithead Trump type of sociopath. I don't think there is that much difference between the two and often wonder if one wasn't screwing people out of billions, would he be serial killing? Or does he derive some sick pleasure out of knowing that he IS serial killing, however indirectly? I could be wrong but I think the psychopaths are the ones who kill people and they ARE sociopathic, and the sociopaths, (a nicer sounding word), are just destroying the world, killing far more people, but they wear business suits, not leather or hockey masks.

I guess that's how this came up. So I decided to find out what Ted Bundy had to say for his last words and a lot of my opinions were strongly reinforced. Watch the interview. It's a great example of how these guys are not dummies. Now, Trump, and this is actually in his defence, may not be smart enough to be a full blown sociopath, but if you look at Bundy, look into the studies and read people who are experts in the field, they'll tell you the same. Sociopaths are usually very smart. And they KNOW it. They want to SHOW it to themselves and to the world. This is almost always how they get caught. Their egos. This guy who has raped and killed several people actually had me feeling a little bit sorry for him for a little while. He blamed it all on pornography and the craving for pornography, sexual violence and more and more extreme amounts of it. That's how addiction works. I heard that Elton John was flying over some mountains covered in snow and he said that that was about how much coke he'd sniffed. He was snorting it every 6 minutes I think I heard. Because you just aren't satisfied, you need more and more. That's what Bundy was carefully explaining. And he used a lot of textbook manipulation, things that are used by con artists, politicians and used car salesmen the world over to shape the softened, under exercised minds of average folks.

But here's what prompted this post: I have been wondering how much, how should I say this... attention I get when I put stuff on the internet. Being in China I know that my computer is monitored just like every single computer in the country. But with so many of them, just how closely is it monitored? And I wonder that about other sites all around the internet. Three days ago I posted a comment on this video something to the effect of:

Wouldn't it be nice if people could see some literature depicting clothed people doing nice things to each other, then become addicted and crave more and more fully clothed people committing graphic acts of kindness? And soon become so hooked on decency that they go on mass sprees of good deeds? This doesn't happen as often. Why not? Because there's no power in being nice. In fact it's giving power to other people. A person has to first like graphic sex, rape, violence and killing to want more and more of it. The pornography didn't make Bundy like these things and crave more and more of them, it's pretty roundly accepted that it's the selfish lust for the power that comes with them that is the attraction for people who do these things. And the narcissism that makes people think so highly of themselves that they believe they somehow DESERVE the power over their inferior victims. Often it is a feeling of superior intelligence. (Jeffery Dahmer drilled holes in the heads of some of his victims and poured acid into the holes in attempts to create sexual zombies that were completely in his power.) Let's not forget, Bundy'd been in jail for a long time and a few stays of execution before this interview, so he'd had years and years to perfect this snow job he gave Dr. Dobson. Along with the hours and hours in front of a mirror perfecting just the right pained expression to paste on his face when the victims and victims' families were mentioned. And he almost had me identifying with him up until the point when a phone rang in the background and for an instant his entire demeanor, not to say mask, was dropped. I thought he was going to crack a joke! But within a second he got back into character. He also used textbook manipulative tactics like saying how he "harmed" people rather than savagely raped and killed them and destroyed untold numbers of lives in the process. The cliché conversion to Christianity when you are put on Death Row, (or in the Whitehouse). And he acted like he was overwhelmed by grief and couldn't even talk about the 12-year-old he raped and murdered. No, he just knew there was no way this little project of his could maintain any credibility if he tried to talk about that. I guess his God complex hadn't reached the heights of omnipotence necessary to think he could sway public opinion on THAT particular count. So the less said the better. Then the old, "I'm not bad, I'm sick. I need help," ploy. Which must be accompanied by the, "I take full responsibility. I'm not claiming I'm innocent," con. Closely followed by the, "BUT, I don't take full responsibility and I AM innocent," gambit. All very well played. His purpose for this can't be known, but I guess it was just one last way for him to feel smarter than other people before he got the chair. The whole time he had to be thinking, "People are STILL stupid enough to believe me! I AM the greatest!" At the end of my comment I mentioned how several times he says that he wants to make clear he's not innocent but then explains how he's not totally guilty. It's like the old, "No offense, but...(proceed to offend)" Why do we fall for this? I guess I should have started this comment with, "I want to make clear that I don't think Ted Bundy was a sociopathic, selfish, power-hungry, sadistic, guilty as sin piece of garbage who deserved what he got, but...

When I checked the video today, to see if anyone responded, all comments had been disabled.

Now, the comment before mine had been posted some 4 months before I seem to recall. And while I don't remember exactly what I posted, (the above is probably better worded), I do recall that the comments were very infrequent. SO, I have to assume it was MY comment that made someone suspend them all and I am wondering what the reason might have been.

Here's another video I commented on:

I've heard VPN's are quickly disappearing here in China and I won't be able to access the sites that are not freely allowed such as Google, Facebook, and others I want. Right now when I use my internet without the VPN it's great. But with it, it's crap. I talked with a rep from Pure VPN and they pretty much told me it doesn't work. See last post. So I tried to find out some information by watching this little vid. It hit a nerve that has been tweaked a few times before so I thought I'd make a first attempt at putting it into words. And this is what I posted:

Here's a question: What's the difference between "transparency" and "theft of intellectual property?" Is it just point of view? If I look at the massive American businesses that China is limiting, I have to think, "Well, they ARE American businesses." Even in America people want to know how the super businesses get super rich and, I'm just going to say never here because it's close enough, they're never without their dodginess. Even their president, who is the poster boy for American business, won't release his tax information. So Americans trying to keep business or politicians honest are said to be calling for increased transparency. What I'm wondering is how much of China's Great Firewall is this and how much is straight theft of intellectual property? And how different are they? The cheating and stealing techniques ARE intellectual property, aren't they? Donald Trump's secret accounts in the Cayman Islands are his intellectual property, aren't they? To put the question in a more cynical way, are American businesses just upset that China is stealing their best methods of screwing the world and getting rich?

The whole post I entitled positive negativity and a lot of my attitude that I think will make this new workplace more successful was inspired by a comment I posted in answer to my Filipino friend's question about glass half empty and half full types of thinking. I read it and a wave of philosophy warshed over me like darkness over the Dude! I now had a way of describing this positive negativity in another way. I think I posted something like, "There are glass half full, and glass half empty people. As I get older I am becoming an, 'At least the glass isn't ALL empty' person." Why, just today I was asked about my next visit to Korea. I replied that I need to get my work visa here processed in about 10 days or I will need to leave and get my other visa renewed. Then I can take a little trip to Korea. Either way the worst thing that could happen will be something gums up the works and the work visa will be delayed. No surprise. It will be expected. AND, bonus visit to Korea! I am planning people to visit, things to do and things to buy. Sure it's money out of pocket that could have been avoided but if you plan for the worst, you can make it not so worst??? My new philosophy.

And then the other day I was looking at someone's post about one of the ever growing stable of douchebags in Trump's G.O.P. shooting his mouth off discriminating, being called a racist and claiming that just means he's winning the argument. Or maybe it was Ted Nugent. I forget. But I started thinking about how ignorant and racist it was and then I just thought about the origins of racism and the actual word. What the hell does it mean exactly. It's just another word almost everybody uses, I just used, and almost nobody knows, I don't know, what it actually means. If we did, we wouldn't use it. Here's what I wrote:

Think about this for a second: In the 18th century, people were divided by a German, (maybe not surprising), anthropologist into five ridiculous races: Caucasian (white), Mongolian (yellow?), Malayan (brown), Ethiopian (black), and American (red?). The Caucasus region includes India. Not many white people there. Where do the people of Europe fit in? Germans? Homer Simpson actually IS yellow unlike any of the people I've met from the "Mongolian" region. He's not Mongolian. I have a good buddy who has Down's Syndrome, which some folks used to call Mongoloid because they saw some resemblance to Mongolians. He's not yellow. I've never met a red American. Having said all this it embarrasses me to say that I've been forced to fill out forms, IMPORTANT forms, on which I have had to check "Caucasian" as my race.
So is a "racist" just a person winning an argument? I've been called racist a few times and in every case it was by a person who chose ignorance over facts about people from other cultures.
A Caucasian is a drink, a delicious drink, nothing more. A race is a sport. Any use of these terms otherwise is pure ignorance. But that's just... like... my opinion, man.

This was also brought on by my filling out of forms for my Canadian passport. In a nation that prides itself on multiculturalism, to still have any forms with questions about race is embarrassing. I think I remember quite a long time ago, while I was still in university, a big fuss about this on the Canadian census. I thought we wiped it out back then. Then I saw this vid:

55% of adults have degrees? The most educated country on earth? Third largest oil reserves, 20% of the world's fresh water IN ONE PROVINCE? Trees everywhere, mining everywhere, riches beyond any country, and yet, a population lower than Tokyo to divide those riches amongst! 18% of these degree holders are unemployed in Canada. And another percentage, including me, have to find work in other countries. Needless to say, I had a little bit to say about THIS post. It's quite possible that given these statistics, the high tax rates in Canada, and I'm sure others we are unaware of, we probably rank number one in another category: citizens most royally FUCKED by their country. I've used Norway as the best example. They just have the oil and not nearly so much. But everybody there has a job and a million dollar pension. Why? Because the riches of Norway were given to the people of Norway. The resources of Canada get sucked out of our country. Look at what Nestle did to the aforementioned water in Ontario! During a drought! With forest fires burning! So I don't know if I really should be that surprised at being asked my race. Canada discriminates against its own people! The only people who matter to government are their customers. Who are their customers? Why, lobbyists representing big business foreign and domestic. If you don't believe Canada is a corporation READ THIS closely. "Lobbyist" is a euphemism for a customer who is buying a government.

So we've come full circle. Since Canada is being run as a corporation by corporations and has been for some time now, since corporations are run by sociopaths who think they are WAY more wonderful than you and deserve WAAAAAAY more money and happiness, since discrimination is as prevalent in corporate sociopaths as pornography in psychopaths, I'm just wondering if the world doesn't need a healthy round of political and corporate big wigs tried and sentenced to the exact same thing Bundy got. There's a reason why the only video I posted was the Bundy one. Watch it! He would have made a hell of a politician, car salesman, C.E.O., lawyer, news reporter, or any other profession in which lying is central. When you watch Trump speak, does he seem more sane? When I watch Justin Trudeau speak about why Canada needs to continue building pipelines that suck even MORE of Canadians' legacy right out of Canada while destroying the beauty of the country that belongs to us, because I'm not a foolish girl watching a Disney Prince, I can see that he's full of shit. Just as full of shit as Bundy. And he probably gets off on knowing how badly average people are being screwed and that HE is the genius that can placate them and convince them to bend over and ask for more. AND SAY PLEASE! If you still don't see how wonderful he thinks he is, you haven't been paying attention. But what are the options? It looks like maybe Kevin O'Leary, basically Trump North, a fucking piece of dog shit might be J.T.'s replacement. You want to see him in action? WATCH THIS!

"Fuck water conservation, fuck the farmers, concentrate on the money!" When they ask why only 5 dollars and he answers that he's working with farmers, look at his face. "What a shmuck!" is exactly what he's thinking. You make it for 2 bucks, you gotta sell it for 12! THIS is the kind of thinking that is ruining the world and indirectly killing people. It gets people into positions of power and government, but it shouldn't. Then the WORST part is when this shithead who just said no to this guy, and probably wanted to call someone who could steal this idea immediately after the show, says, "Tell your father he's a great man!" "I want to kill millions of men just like him but tell him I love him." You want THAT soulless fuck even LIVING in our country spreading his disease?

Try them all and see if they're worthy of positions of power or the electric chair. It's just so crazy, it might work! I am sort of leaning toward NOT supporting capital punishment, but I believe that some crimes are of such magnitude that it is sometimes warranted. Politicians and captains of industry who are causing poverty, climate change, starvation, slavery, pollution and general misery worldwide affect more people than serial killers. Their crimes are far greater. So if we give Bundy the chair, we should fry Kevin O'Leary too?

Okay, it's a bit extreme. But we can at the very least do what Korea did. If we have these assholes who think they're untouchable once they've placed themselves in positions of power basically thumbing their noses at us and DARING us to do anything about their corruption, let's do it. I believe it's our duty. Problem is, where do you find a replacement? You use the same broken system for that. If we only understood what a billion dollars is, we'd all agree that NObody should have that much money. It is an affront to common decency for anyone to have more and if you can PROUDLY state that you have more than a billion, you are a mentally ill human being. There are, according to Forbes Magazine, 540 billionaires just in the U.S. They could solve all the problems of the world, let alone just their own country, with their pocket change! That is NOT an exaggeration! But, like Uncle Elty and his coke, they feel they need more and more and MORE. And this is Forbes Magazine. You NEVER get the ACTUAL number in Forbes, just the legal ones.

It's a sad world controlled by sick human beings. But to end on a note of positive negativity, I'm going to continue treating people like brothers and sisters instead of competitors and enemies the way our rulers want us to. And I hope love will someday conquer the world. Right now greed is winning. Greed and hate. Selfishness and lust for power. Killing and porn, politics and discrimination. Where is the love the love the love????

I don't agree with all of this and it's not all factual, but it's fairly close to how I feel.

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