Monday, March 13, 2017

Star Dreck

The above is a short scene from the despicable TV show, The Shark Tank. Every time I watch it or the Dragon's Den I see how easy it would be to make money if I had money. In every episode you see people who are smart and talented and have business savvy, but it's not the sharks or dragons, it's the people whose ideas are stolen. The Simpsons recently did a spoof in their episode called "Havana Wild Weekend" that included the show, "The Vulture's Nest," in which Mr. Burns, the Texas oil man, Lindsay Neagle (the cliché female C.E.O type A personality), and H.K. Duff are the investors. The tag line for the show is, "The Vulture's Nest: Where billionaires swoop down on your investments and peck out the eyes." Milhouse and his Dad are on with an idea for a retainer that looks like gangsta bling teeth. Lindsay Neagle offers 3 hours of her time for 90% and a second later says, "Too late! 95%!" At the end of the show Homer makes a pitch for toilet breakfasts and Burns offers him no money for 100% of his company because there is no doubt that he developed the idea on Mr. Burns' time.

As always, I agree with the Simpsons. That's how I see those TV shows. The above episode is a bit of a departure in that a good human being gets money to help others. Now I don't know if the investor that partnered up with the farmer raised the price of the Tree Teepee to 12 bucks or not, but Kevin O'Leary would have. He would have charged at LEAST that! I recently read a little list of things Kit Thornton is tired of and one he mentioned was, "we believe in the “right” of rich douchebags to charge as much as, and more than, the market will bear." I don't believe in that right, the farmer in this video doesn't believe in that right, but, as he shakes his head in derision at the 4:40 mark of the video, you can tell Kevin O'Leary thinks it's a no brainer. Ironically, this is what passes as smart business in this day and age.
Another "smart" businessman, Donald Poindexter Trump agrees.

This is NOT smart business, it's what is slowly killing our planet. But neither Trump, nor O'Leary are going to go down in history for their intellect. I just love the part at the end when O'Leary tries to hone in on some of the sweet, sweet love that emanated from this man he just tried to put the screws to and says, "Tell your Dad he's a great man!" Well the guy's Dad is dead and that is what he answered. But that giant foot in his mouth doesn't deter O'Leary from desperately trying to keep himself from looking like the fool he's proving he is. "Well he's STILL a great man!" he says. Wow, nice catch, Kevin! You don't have to be smart to make lots of money. Mattel Toy Company thought Kevin O'Leary was smart and bought his company SoftKey, which resulted in losses and lawsuits but it made him a multi millionaire. Screwing Mattel is what got him on TV.

He was on celebrity Jeopardy once. He lost BIG to Green Bay Packers QB, Aaron Rodgers. Let's see, do I have a photo of that? Oh yes I do!
Not taking anything away from Aaron Rodgers, but, man that's gotta hurt! Particularly when you write your name as Kevin Mr. Wonderful! What a bozo!

When on TV on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, he says he gets back at the station for the ridiculousness of making him work for women by wearing no pants. And, while he doesn't grab the jean model on the Dragon's Den "by the pussy," he does grab her ass. He's an obvious Donald Trump wannabe. The only thing he could do now to be more like the object of his broner, would be to run for office. This mental giant with degrees in environmental studies, psychology and entrepreneurship, announced his candidacy for leader of the Conservative Party of Canada in January of this year.

I'm not the only one who has noticed the connection. Here he is exhibiting what my new friend, Kit Thornton would call, "The scathing rebuke of the politically illiterate." Singing the praises of his hero, Donald Dipshit Trump and how he's making America great again by cutting carbon taxes and corporate taxes to attract investors. PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE. I've posted it before on my blog but the message hasn't reached my country yet. It's written by someone who IS politically literate and who cares about Canadians. It is saying exactly the opposite of what O'Leary is blathering about. O'Leary doesn't care about Canadians. He thinks they're all stupid enough to believe that giving big corporations tax breaks will help Canada's oil industry. He thinks we're empty-headed enough to believe even if it did, regular Canadians would somehow benefit from it and not just the super rich. He thinks we're braindead enough to believe that what he did on the Shark Tank and the Dragon's Den was tell the truth to investors. And he thinks Canadians are so irretrievably stunned that we'd vote for him.

78% corporate tax rates, folks. That's what Norway charged and people still drilled there. This snake oil salesman is trying to make himself and his rich buddies in Canada and other countries even richer. And he's trying to screw regular Canadians to do it. Just think what he'd do as Prime Minister. Now I'm not saying Trudeau is perfect. I'm not even saying he hasn't employed a tactic or two in common with Trumplestiltskin.

Where's the electoral reform? Where's the tax reform? Why does he show such compassion for the native people of Canada one day then give a long speech about why we need the oil pipelines they, (and all the politically literate people of Canada) hate? Where's the legal marijuana?

Having said that, at least he's better than Trump North would be. Is this what politics is coming to? Just find the biggest pecuniary psych-job you can to lead the country? People with high levels of greed are sick. Money addiction is a disease. This is a realization the world ignores at its own peril. They need to be put into rehab or jail or at least be diagnosed and treated for their psychological dysfunction. It is unhealthy for any human being to think they NEED a billion dollars. If a person actually believes he needs more, why, we put that person in charge of an important company or country in the world. Trump and O'Leary are fun to make fun of and make jokes about, but in all seriousness, how long before it's not funny any more?

Both are TV Stars and both are, in my opinion, pieces of human trash. Their four-year political missions: to boldly go where no moron has gone before them. To get us into space before they destroy the earth. So here's another joke. Let's enjoy the laughter while we can. Star Dreck. My first meme. Oh well, you can find it on facebook.

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