Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Artificial Happiness

Okay. Sigh. Holy crap, I'm exhausted before I even start this post! What exhausts me more than most things? Maybe more than anything? It's the hyperpositivity that seems to me to have reached pandemic proportions worldwide and, by no coincidence, our world is in the most trouble its ever been in.

Let me start by saying that I'm with you, positive people! I am! I realilze that you can find positives in almost anything if you look desperately enough. And I agree that thinking positively is healthy for mind, body and spirit. This is what makes it so easy for people to try to life coach us all into ignoring the smorgasbord of high-carb, fatty, succulent shit the world serves us up on a daily basis, and making do with the dietary, free-range, organic, rice cakes of positivity hidden somewhere on that table.

Nope. No. Scratch that metaphor because while the positivity may very well be good for us, like eating "right," it is not the negativity that is our enemy. Not in my opinion. This is just the opinion of the hyperpositive. Ironically it is what the people who cause all the negativity would gladly have the entire world believe. What I'm saying is, while these positive people don't realize it, in most cases, and they are not evil, in most cases, they are enabling the evildoers of the world. That's right. That's what I said. By thinking positive, they are enabling the negative.

How so? Well I'm glad I asked that question. While the hyperpositive are engaged in their difficult labours of creating their escapist, artificial happiness, they are forcing out the realities of the world that are in dire need of attention. They are putting their heads in the sand while the desert collapses around them. This is the very definition of apathy, folks, yet, (and this is why I find them so exhausting), so many of these people singing "Zippadee Doo Da" on the sinking Titanic are pointing fingers at people who would draw attention to the problems of the world in an effort to elevate them into public consciousness so that the public can amend them.

Titanic, ice berg, climate change. Let's use this for an example. These retreads who would tell you that global warming is a myth and burning fossil fuels is not harming our planet are quite a crew, aren't they? They remind me of the tobacco industry reps back in the days when they hired scientists be very busy NOT proving smoking causes lung cancer. Ignoring these people while the Chinese ACTUALLY purchase Canadian air by the can,

is not going to make the smog, the oil spills, the melting ice caps, the proxy wars or the greedy corporations go away. But we can always look really REALLY hard to find a positive from all the shit the fossil fuel hoarders of the world bring us. Let's see... advances in technology and science such as the oil-eating enzymes developed to help clean up oil spills. How about the shorter line-ups to see the Great Wall, or as much as you can see of it on a polluted day? Seriously though, the one truth that has been crammed down fossil fuel country citizens' throats is jobs. It's true. No arguing that. There are small groups of people who gain employment from the fossil fuel industry by extracting and selling and making an even SMALLER group of people filthy rich at the expense of the GIGANTIC majority of us. How can they feel good about that? "Just don't think about that. Ignore it. Concentrate on the positive. Don't be such a bummer. Don't be so negative! Stick your head in the sand and let's go out drinking and dancing so we can wipe reality right out of our heads."

This is NOT happiness, my friends. I've seen other defence mechanisms as well. The old, "I have to do this to support my family," "It's just business," "If I don't do it somebody else will," arguments come to the fore. There are even people who do charity work to ease the mental burden that being a contributing factor to the steady deterioration of the planet causes. But try as they might, no amount of charity will help as many people as their industry is hurting. So go on Prozac or Zoloft or whatever the hell the newest anti-depressant might be. Then you are just supporting ANOTHER evil industry. We ALL do it. If we have money in a bank, if we shop at Wall Mart, if we buy stuff made in China. What the hell ISN'T made in China?

So it sounds like just another person bitching but not offering solutions. This is another tried and true argument that is used against realists nowadays. When people occupy Wall Street or demonstrate I am constantly hearing, "Their reasons. weren't clear. What could these cryptic signs possibly mean?"

I have seen positive things done by these supposedly negative people too! Look at Iceland jailing its corrupt bankers. Look at Germany going a day where they actually used less energy than they created with non-fossil technology. Look at Norway sharing the oil profits with the people to whom the oil belongs and making them all rich. Things like this could happen globally if only we could wake the sleepers, the lazy, the ignorant, the misinformed and the hyperpositive.

As much as I hate to state this, I think it may be a fact: for this to occur globally, it probably needs to start in the U.S. of A. And with the possible exception of China, I think they might be the toughest country to whip into shape. But I am going to suggest a solution. It's not drastic like quitting your jobs. In fact it's something that only Americans can do. Here it is. Vote for Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders could make some VERY positive things happen in America. He'll fight the corporations, give affordable health care, cheaper education or even free, lower taxes for regular people and raise them for corporate fat cats, he'll run America the way we all know countries should be run. And more importantly he'll give hope for the hyperpositive. You see I believe that behind most of these "Hooray for everything" smiles is a depression and hopelessness that a corrupt world can cause. They try to block out the negative but it finds them. The "happiness" they claim to want to share with you and me is nothing but artificial happiness and an aversion to the responsible behaviour that could make real changes in the real world and lead to REAL happiness.

As I've said before, don't be skull sodomized. We need to sack up and face the negatives in the world and turn them into positives. REAL positives make REAL happiness. I, for one refuse to satisfy myself with the escapist, fairy tale happiness of the hyperpositive. They exhaust me because they think they are doing good when really they should be ashamed of themselves. But they are so out of touch with shame, (because, well that would be negative, wouldn't it?), they seem incapable of change. Not only that but the best defence is a good offense, they seem to think, so now, the militant action they so despise directing toward the genuine evil in the world, is being foisted upon the only people who are doing anything to change that evil.

Artificial happiness. It's a riddle inside a puzzle wrapped in a conundrum.


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